Try these on your brother/siblings- it's a KO (well, kinda)!
1) Go up to your brother. Look very serious. Say: "I know this will break your heart, but you can't go on not knowing." Take a big breath. Speak very clearly and slowly. "Your pants are not on fire."
*Alternate: Run up 2 brother. "Your pants are not on fire!" Run away.
2) Somehow convince bro that you have been researching palm readings and that you've discovered that you can do readings on the sole of your shoe. Take the shoe, rub it thoughtfully, and look very serious. after a while, turn to your brother and say: "From what i can read on your will be going on a trip. very soon." then throw the shoe as far as you can and run away cackling madly.
Apologize later though. Say u can make it up to him by doing a real palm reading, on socks. This should scare the dude.
Ya, it's immature! :P
3) Bring him shopping (the torture to him!)
4) Get the "overreactor" disease and offer to spend the day with him! (The overreactor disease is when you totally overreact on EVERYTHING he says, and u spend ur entire time sucking up 2 him. For example:
Bro: I like gum.
You: (talk really fast) OMG! So do i! isn't gum like so-o-o good? It has soo many yummy flavors, like it can b fruity and minty and cinnamon and original and more! and you can chew it and chew it and chew it and don't we have so-o-o much in common. You like gum- I LIKE GUM! this is like soooo a coincidence!
Bro: Okay, can you not do that?!
You: (talk really fast) I kno-ow isn't that annoying? i was going to tell that to myself, because you know- i really had it coming! wouldn't the world be like so-o much bttr off without ppl doing this? i mean, hello, what r they thinking? isn't that so right? your right! i know we're right!
Bro: UGH!)
5) sing Caramelldansen from the video bar!
I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some
amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch
who a...
12 years ago
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