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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Did It!: Random Award

Congradulations! If are here, you can have your very own, I DID IT button! Prize it, show it off, why? Because you DID IT! Whether you beat the odds, or came up with a really awesome idea, you are prize worthy! So, go on- take it!

But remember, only take it, if you deserve it. If I didn't tell you to come here...don't even try at it!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Giraffe Test

I originally got this as a chain-email, but then I looked it up and found this is actually a real test. So, for each of the numbered questions, think up your best answer of how you would handle that situation. Then, hilight with your mouse directly under the question, and you'll get the answer! Have fun!

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, insert the giraffe, and close the door.
This question tested whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Did you say, "Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the door?" Wrong answer.
Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door.
This tested your ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.

3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just put him in there.
This tested your memory.

OK, even if you didn't answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your true abilities.
4. There is a river you must cross but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: You swim across. All the crocodiles are attending the Animal Meeting.
This tested whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers. Andersen Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four-year-old.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You Might As Well Stamp "Vampire Boy" across Rob Pattinson's Forehead for all the Recognition He's Getting


since im already on this topic of twilight, i might as well throw u another peice of info.
It's an interview with Rob Pattinson, the dude who plays Edward in Twilight.
I usually don't like using interviews on my blog for 1 dominating reason. They're so incredibly...ORDINARY. It's always the same. The hottie-superstar tells the interviewer that he/she LOVES whatever movie they're in, and he/she LOVES the character he/she's playing, he/she LOVES his peers on the set, he/she LOVES just about everything to do with the movie.
*cough suck-up cough*

the interaviewer will drill him/her with unimaginative questions, and he/she will always reply "Great! No, no, i love everything. Everythin'gs great." Then he/she will tell this one interesting fact about themselves or a "life-changing" (yeah right!) event that they witnessed or took part in.

I mean, those stories...they could be, well, even mildly funny, but what makes everyone think that they're something extroadinary? What makes them think that it's better than any story pulled out of a low-funded newspaper?

Or a blog?
Like mine?
(of course, my stories R extroadinary. The media just hasn't figured that out yet. ;) )

But, i thought Rob (Edward) had an interesting discussion. He said "i hardly get to do any vampire stuff, like, i mean, uh, i don't get to kill anyone. I really want to kill some people with it..."
so pretty boy has a diabolical side. I'm okay with that.

He also said "{and edward said} i really want to kill you so much, every single day. every moment im with you, i desperately want to kill you. and she's like, 'i don't care, i love you.' and it's like, well, there's definetely something wrong with her."
uhm, DUH. <I love you Edward. You can eat me. I don't care>. Yeah. I always knew Bella had a problem. Rock on, Rob, for saying that on camera. hahaha.

"{edward}'s not that great at all, it's just how she sees him."
Lot's of girls r going to be disappointed. ha. haha. ha-a-a-a-a-a.

The groin comment at the end was unneccessary, but i feel that Rob made an interesting interview. You go watch it now. It's only, like, 5 minutes, so have fun.

(Rob Patterson has like this HUGE ego now. Nobody cared about him when he was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter 4, but now suddenly he's surrounded by screaming girls 24-7. Always screaming. Always girls. hahahahaha. Might as well stamp "VAMPIRE BOY" across his forehead.)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight (Again) (a few spoilers ahead)


I've been off and on about that series.

I read book 1 and said to myself, "hey...this is good." then i read new moon and said, "wow...what a soap." but, the overall cheesyness wasn't enough to keep me off the series.
Stephenie meyer is a strange, strange lady. The idea of a vampire x girl clicky-clicky is good. But then she runs on about some other blahblah stuff that i don't care about. And was good. She can take some teeny tiny dull thing, add some "magical writing powder" (perhaps overexplain it a smidge) and BOOM. 'Bouts 3 million readers, and a book deal. Shhyeeeeah.

Then i started reading eclipse. I got peeved my some details. But, it was only when Bella finally decided to marry Edward that i went beserk. I mean, what was WITH that chick? What is UP with that? Sometimes my rants didn't even have to be expressed in words.
So, i slapped the book shut right there, and vowed never to read the treacherous thing again.

Some asked me why i did this. Simply, i was being very stubborn. I had never liked Edward, and the fact that he had finally married Bella was OUTRAGEOUS. CRAZY, man. Edward is a FREAK, and he is ABSOLUTELY NOT the person for Bella. Who would marry such a creep?

Okay, im done.

Sorta. Well, after a long while, i got bored and started reading Twilight again. Then i got absorbed in Edward Cullen. I learned that, if you look beyond the creepiness, he can actually be *squints* cool. A cool creep...who would have thought?
He's actually a li'l more deep than i thought.
Like, he's a good person.
And i couldn't help myself, i borrowed breaking dawn from my friend and now i am furiously tearing through it.

I didn't need to finish eclipse to get the drift of it all. So far, im half way through the book.'s good. There definetly r some parts of it i want to chuck out the window, but a picky reader, some say. overall, it was good.

FYI: Please let me encourage you to scroll down and post a comment, revealing WHICH mag. cover you liked the best. Whihchever mag. cover wins, i will write an article (that would be found in the magazine, of course) about it- explaining the weird odds of it. It's fun, but unfortunetly only ONE mag can be writtin' bout. So make sure it's the one you want. VOTE!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Justa Word With Some Webboteers (You)

Just a checkup to see how my bloggernauts r doing.

Today was interesting. I found myself singing randomely to "American Idiot" throughout the day. Which is a nice change-- I needed to get off singing advertisements. (But admittedly they are rather catchy, you know in the jingly cheap way. S'all good stuff.) (Btw, i will c if i can post up the advertisement jingle on my blog so you can all sing along to it. It'll b our jock-y inside joke.)
Over at the side-bar is a segment of a movie that probably came out 20-40 years ago. It's from Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Ask your parents about it. Anyway, I thought it was pretty know, in that diabolical sorta way. It may b a little bit ghosty for uz, and that's okay.
There was this OTHER Monty Python vid. that i was debating to put up as well, but iv decided to wait until later on in life before i post it up. Suspense is good for the soul. Like chocolate.
Just a reminder- b ABSOLUTELY sure to vote on which mag. pic u liked the best, or what u'd like to hear more of. VOTE. PLEASE.

-CJ (I'll b back!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Magazines...What Do People Read These Days?!

Come on! You HAVE to admit these r cool! I thought i saw the last of these guys with Sky (the weasel)'s a part of me now! LOL, at these three magazine covers i created! Then, post a comment to vote which one interests you the most! The winning mag. cover will get it's own blog post- me writing an article based off the magazine you saw! But remember...there's only ONE winner! So, if you REALLY want to know the story behind one of these dudes, make sure you vote for it! Choose only what YOU want! Have fun!

Coco Juniper, in SPARKLE form!

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

I just LOVE right now. I mean, there's a lot of stupid junk on it- but if you dig deep enough...TADAH! CJ- in sparkle form! I'm digging these new blog pumpers. Really catches your eye, eh?

No way, dudes! That's totally NOT halloween. It's all Coco Juniper, yo. *sniffs* Though i guess it does look kind of sinister...oh well! ;)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Advice Column

There's a time and a place for everything...

I'm Smiling

...and that was completely necessary. It always is.

Just to keep things funky fresh (Omg, did i really just say that?!) i am starting an advice column over at the side-bar. Every now and again, it will change to another weekly (or hopefully more frequently) advice. Good advice is...well...good, so get some 'ere at!

if YOU have any brilliant, wacky, totally cool advice to share, post a comment.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good music.

What is good music?

Good question.

Usually good music is something that provokes feeling in the listener. The more feeling is better. For example: if a song is so sad that you break down crying then u r listening to a masterpiece. If the song makes you want to jump up and down and pump your fist in the air (not like angrily, i mean to the music. it's the clostest thing to dancing you'll get from me.) then SICK that's also an awesome song u'v got here. There's a song im listening to right now and it's really coarsing through my veins, the rhythm. ROCK ON! However, the music video is scary. Technically it doesn't have any bad footage. At all. Still, it's scares the rock out of me. And yet...i find myself sneaking peeks at it every now and again. U know that half-hearted feeling? Like when you were little and you're watching a scary film, you'd hide your face in your hands...but then peek through the fingers just because it's killing you to find out what's happening? Yup. That's me right now.

Moving on...

What is your fav. type of music? Please, please, comment or do the poll. Open response!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where the Hell is Back!

If you remember, a looooooong time ago i put up a post about a website and youtube video that was...well, GOOD. Now, matt is back with a poorly drawn slide-show presentation. I thought it was interesting to watch, and now u can c it too. Au revoir!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I couldn't help it...

Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at

New Template! Oh yeah!


Yeah, iv remodled my blog 2 a new template which i think totally rocks! But that's me. Either way im just soooo happy to get rid of my old one. Cuz honestly, this is a li'l more original. It really POPS.

But what do u think? Post a comment about whether u like this new look or not! Don't worry, i'll nvr b offended. Even if it's just a tiny thing i could change, post it! I luv feedback! :)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hannah Montana

u kno in those really corny movies, the main character or the bad guy gets a dream telling them to stop doing something bad and start being good. And then that one dream changes their life 4evr?

if u haven't noticed, in the past i hav been vry mean to Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. After a very freaky nightmare last night, my life has been changed (and scarred) forevr. I hav come 2 my senses and now will apologize to her.

Dear Hannah Montana,
I am sorry i hav been mean to u. I don't know u, and yet i hav been taunting u for ur stupid nickname (y do u hav to rhyme?), ur lack of taste in music, and other stuff that i will not name. The things i say at u may or may not b true, but i hav now come to say sorry. I know u don't know me, but still.

Coco Juniper

I might hav been offending Hannah-montana fans in my numerous jabs at her. if i offended u by offending her, then i apologize. In the future, if i accidentally say something bad about HM, don't b afraid to slap me across the face. i'll understand. hopefully.'s still fun to listen to other ppl striking jabs at her. go to to c wat i mean.

Peace out! ;) -CJ

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

French vs. Spanish

Me and this boy i sit next to in Math had an argument. I'm in french, and he's in spanish, and- since we're obviously both so immature- we had a large argument ovr which language was more widely spoken. It went a bit like this.

Him: "Mexico!"
Me: "Canada!"
Him: "Most of the U.S.!"
Me: "Madagascar!"
Him: "Peru!"
Me: "Africa!"
Him: "Spain!"
Me: "Well, duh!"
Him: "Spain counts too!"
Me: "I know, fine, FRANCE!"

this went on for a while.
and...he won the argument.

Apparently, more ppl speak spanish then french. I guess i should hav forseen that, but still.
C, this is how the order goes:

Chinese* (937,132,000)
Spanish (332,000,000)
English (322,000,000)
Bengali (189,000,000)
Hindi/Urdu (182,000,000)
Arabic* (174,950,000)
Portuguese (170,000,000)
Russian (170,000,000)
Japanese (125,000,000)
German (98,000,000)
French* (79,572,000)

Le sigh.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Little Web Lonely (And Then Some)

Hello all. Just writing 2 get this out of my system. It's been there 4 a while, but i wasn't motivated enough 2 spit it out at the time- only now i am. So, ahem, here i go-

Sometimes i feel like just the only blog on the net. You know, at the top bar of my blog is a button that says "Next blog". If u click on it, google will automatically send u 2 another blog. After 30 mins. of rapid clicking i wuz beginning 2 feel depressed. 1) cuz half the blogs i went to were abandoned years ago, and 2) the other half were by ppl 30 years older then me and writing about things nobody cares about- such as the George Bush. (i hate George Bush, btw. Who doesn't?!?!?!) after scrolling through hundreds of blogs, i began 2 feel like a loser. it seemed like i was the only person on the web that felt like expressing herself. ranting, blubbering on...yep, only me. It seemed weird going to all those abandoned blogs and thinking: "I feel like such a loser- i'm the only one that doesn't have a life, so bubbles randomly on her blog." Yeah. Bummer.
'Course, i was wrong. Finally i came to some interesting blogs. 1) was written by a girl called Racheal in Michigan, who ranted on and on about being fat. Which is ironic, because some ppl still consider me underweight. 'Course, u can always trust me 2 forget the name of the blog, about 45 minutes aftr looking at her posts. heh. heh. The next one was a whole lot less emo. naturally, the speaker was 1) a married woman (but young! She's still in da 20s! Don't scare me by thinking that i read old-lady posts.), 2) has some very immaturely mature friends (JenBun, hence.) and 3) has a fairly cool life. She's a hair-stylist. Cuz iv got nothing else 2do, i'll just start pasting quotes from her blog, and then tell u how they relate to me.

"I twittered earlier about how I love carrying a notebook in my purse. Ever since I was in junior high, I've had a habit of carrying some sort of a journal around with me.
I guess it's because I always fancied myself some sort of a writer, and I always had these weird thoughts in my head that I would jot down, and eventually, little scraps of paper took over my backpack, so I got myself a tiny notebook, and that's how it all started.
The journals from my early days were full of random crap; bits of transcribed phone conversations, movie times, phone numbers, homework assignments. As I got older, I started writing down my feelings, and my observations.

(Plus, I thought it would help me with
that whole "air-of-mystery" thing. You know, the intense girl in the corner, scribbling away? Don't laugh. I'm awesome.)" - Posted by Tia, Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I used 2 hav a notebook in 6th grade that i would doodle in. Just doodles, mind u. I wasn't as deep as Tia in the essence that i would start scribbling down noble feelings. Personally, i feel that you can honestly tell a lot from a person's doodles. nowadays when i get bored i doodle a billion tiny, overlapping triangles.
--and as for wat Tia says about the whole "air-of-mystery" thing, i think that's pretty cool as well. It's fun to watch ppl try 2 copy my triangle design. It's frustrating to b copied, but then satisfying to c that they can't do it. Y? Cuz it's MY thing. Don't laugh. I'm awesome.

"Since I work in what is basically a customer service industry, if there are no customers, there is no industry. As a hairstylist, I don't see quite as much revenue lost as estheticians (facialists) and manicurists, but times are tough. For everyone.
This is unfortunate for me, because
I am a spender. But in light of the current state of affairs, and the fact that saving a buck never killed anyone, I present you with Tia's Top Five Little Ideas on being Frugal and Fabulous (not necessarily in that order).It's not for everyone, saving money. It's certainly not for me. But what can you do? "A rainy day" might be coming faster than you think.

1) You can't stop going out to dinner. Think about the poor servers! They need money too! But maybe you can cut down to one night a week. And, you can just order an appetizer with an iced tea. Portions are huge these days, and iced tea refills are free. You still get all the ambiance and the going-out-ness of a restaurant, but your bill will be at least 25% less than if you ordered an entree. And if you're still hungry on the way home? Jack-in-the-Box has $0.99 tacos, and they are GOOD.
2) It's really nice to donate to charity. More people should do it. However, before you pack up the bag of your castoffs, consider a garage sale. JenBun and I had one a couple weeks ago, and we each made $50 on the stuff we sold. Everything that was left over, we donated. People got our great junk for cheap, we made a little money, and we still gave to charity. Everyone wins.
3) Pre-purchase a gift card to your favorite coffeehouse. I hate the idea of spending $5 on a cup of coffee, but I do it all the time, so last month I gave myself a coffee limit. I bought a gift card for $50, because I decided that was my coffee limit for the month. If I wanted a coffee, I only used the card. When it ran out, I knew that meant I had to make my coffee at home. I THOUGHT before I BOUGHT, so I ended up spending probably half the amount I'd usually spend in a month. I drank less coffee, which is better for me, and spent less money, which is better for Hubs' blood pressure.
4) Buy a reusable water bottle. Disposable ones are so last season. I recently bought
this bottle (in pink, clearly), and I love it. I carry it with me every day, and I refill it wherever I go. It's amazing how many places have water fountains or water coolers. I took it to the movies the other day, and I was really proud of myself because they charge $4.50 for a bottle of water there. Can we say "highway robbery"? Plus, a reusable bottle is better for you and the environment because most of them are now BPA-free." Posted by Tia, Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think that's cool. I especially liked the one with the garage sale. I kinda do and kinda don't want to hav my own shop. 1) i don't want to suffer all the blah-blah paperwork and the direct blah-blah economy thing that is affecting store-owners head-0n. Still, iv always had this kinch for wanting to sell my stuff. I want to hav a garage sale badly. The last time i had a garage sale was in 1st grade and the only thing we sold was some vacum-cleaner bags and a McDonald's toy. Lame, huh. I hav a lot of clothes stacked away that i don't wear, so i feel that i can pretty much start a yard sale if i wanted to. And, i could definetly steal some clothing from Lizic and Bramble to add a male selection to the sale. Bsides, i could use the cash. With more moolah in my wallet, if u do the math, it means more clothes to buy at the mall. Huzzah!

Okay, i think iv talked too much in this post. I started about being web lonely, and now im mooning about garage sales. I'll stop now. Oh, yeah, and comment please!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Election Time! Choose Your Candidate! Spoof!

As u know, the great presidential election takes place November 4th- which isn't far from now. So, 2 get ur brain cells pumpin', let's have a debate and election of our own. Let's say that the possible choices 4 president were 1) Spongebob Squarepants, 2) Eeyore, and 3) Sleeping Beauty. The information about them is listed below. When u hav come 2 a conclusion, then post ur answer. CHOOSE WISELY.

Spongebob Squarepants:
Ups: Is super nice, will always help u with ur problems and makes good burgers.
Downs: Overreacts, Obsesses, and is a bit of an idiot.
Neutral: is an optimist, considered "girly", and a sponge.
Intelligence Level (0= low 10=high): 2.5
Kindness Level (0=low 10=high): 10!
Persistence Level (0=low 10=high): 8.5

Ups: Isn't a criminal, hasn't broken the law, isn't hated by anyone, etc., etc. Is smart.
Downs: Doesn't physically do anything apart from moping around.
Neutral: Is emo, and a donkey.
Intelligence Level (0=low 10=high): 8
Kindness Level (0=low 10=high): 6
Persistence Level (0=low 10=high): 0.000002!

Sleeping Beuty:
Ups: Is smart, kind, thoughtful, sensitive, and is not a criminal.
Downs: High risk of dozing off during important speeches, decisions, etc., etc. Super, ultra, incredibly scared of anything spiky or pokey in any way. Will Decree that every1 has 2 dress like princesses (frilly, pink, dresses, bows, etc.) May sleep 4 another 100 years when prodded by something sharp.
Neutral: Often breaks into song 4 no apparent reason, dances w/ wildlife, etc.
Intelligence Level (0= low 10= high): 7
Kindness Level (0=low 10= high): 9
Persistence Level (0=low 10=high): 5

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

My Blog List

  • I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch who a...
    12 years ago
  • Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site! If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or cakewrecks.squarespac...
    13 years ago
  • Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!
    14 years ago
  • SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...
    15 years ago
  • Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of my blo...
    15 years ago
  • This is Sad Charlie. Sad Charlie is sad because he hasn't been getting very many face/replaced pictures recently and has nothing good to post on the websit...
    15 years ago
  • I Love the Veronicas...yeh bizarrio huh? i'm listening 2 'Untouched' i luv those twins from Austrilia, right, or was it England? Haha, The Suite Life reall...
    16 years ago

Meh Followers

I Made That!

I Made That!
I think it may give an insight to who I am as a person and what i stand for. I haven't quite figured out yet if that should be worrying. Well, I like it anyway, so whatev.