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"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Little Web Lonely (And Then Some)

Hello all. Just writing 2 get this out of my system. It's been there 4 a while, but i wasn't motivated enough 2 spit it out at the time- only now i am. So, ahem, here i go-

Sometimes i feel like just the only blog on the net. You know, at the top bar of my blog is a button that says "Next blog". If u click on it, google will automatically send u 2 another blog. After 30 mins. of rapid clicking i wuz beginning 2 feel depressed. 1) cuz half the blogs i went to were abandoned years ago, and 2) the other half were by ppl 30 years older then me and writing about things nobody cares about- such as the George Bush. (i hate George Bush, btw. Who doesn't?!?!?!) after scrolling through hundreds of blogs, i began 2 feel like a loser. it seemed like i was the only person on the web that felt like expressing herself. ranting, blubbering on...yep, only me. It seemed weird going to all those abandoned blogs and thinking: "I feel like such a loser- i'm the only one that doesn't have a life, so bubbles randomly on her blog." Yeah. Bummer.
'Course, i was wrong. Finally i came to some interesting blogs. 1) was written by a girl called Racheal in Michigan, who ranted on and on about being fat. Which is ironic, because some ppl still consider me underweight. 'Course, u can always trust me 2 forget the name of the blog, about 45 minutes aftr looking at her posts. heh. heh. The next one was a whole lot less emo. naturally, the speaker was 1) a married woman (but young! She's still in da 20s! Don't scare me by thinking that i read old-lady posts.), 2) has some very immaturely mature friends (JenBun, hence.) and 3) has a fairly cool life. She's a hair-stylist. Cuz iv got nothing else 2do, i'll just start pasting quotes from her blog, and then tell u how they relate to me.

"I twittered earlier about how I love carrying a notebook in my purse. Ever since I was in junior high, I've had a habit of carrying some sort of a journal around with me.
I guess it's because I always fancied myself some sort of a writer, and I always had these weird thoughts in my head that I would jot down, and eventually, little scraps of paper took over my backpack, so I got myself a tiny notebook, and that's how it all started.
The journals from my early days were full of random crap; bits of transcribed phone conversations, movie times, phone numbers, homework assignments. As I got older, I started writing down my feelings, and my observations.

(Plus, I thought it would help me with
that whole "air-of-mystery" thing. You know, the intense girl in the corner, scribbling away? Don't laugh. I'm awesome.)" - Posted by Tia, Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I used 2 hav a notebook in 6th grade that i would doodle in. Just doodles, mind u. I wasn't as deep as Tia in the essence that i would start scribbling down noble feelings. Personally, i feel that you can honestly tell a lot from a person's doodles. nowadays when i get bored i doodle a billion tiny, overlapping triangles.
--and as for wat Tia says about the whole "air-of-mystery" thing, i think that's pretty cool as well. It's fun to watch ppl try 2 copy my triangle design. It's frustrating to b copied, but then satisfying to c that they can't do it. Y? Cuz it's MY thing. Don't laugh. I'm awesome.

"Since I work in what is basically a customer service industry, if there are no customers, there is no industry. As a hairstylist, I don't see quite as much revenue lost as estheticians (facialists) and manicurists, but times are tough. For everyone.
This is unfortunate for me, because
I am a spender. But in light of the current state of affairs, and the fact that saving a buck never killed anyone, I present you with Tia's Top Five Little Ideas on being Frugal and Fabulous (not necessarily in that order).It's not for everyone, saving money. It's certainly not for me. But what can you do? "A rainy day" might be coming faster than you think.

1) You can't stop going out to dinner. Think about the poor servers! They need money too! But maybe you can cut down to one night a week. And, you can just order an appetizer with an iced tea. Portions are huge these days, and iced tea refills are free. You still get all the ambiance and the going-out-ness of a restaurant, but your bill will be at least 25% less than if you ordered an entree. And if you're still hungry on the way home? Jack-in-the-Box has $0.99 tacos, and they are GOOD.
2) It's really nice to donate to charity. More people should do it. However, before you pack up the bag of your castoffs, consider a garage sale. JenBun and I had one a couple weeks ago, and we each made $50 on the stuff we sold. Everything that was left over, we donated. People got our great junk for cheap, we made a little money, and we still gave to charity. Everyone wins.
3) Pre-purchase a gift card to your favorite coffeehouse. I hate the idea of spending $5 on a cup of coffee, but I do it all the time, so last month I gave myself a coffee limit. I bought a gift card for $50, because I decided that was my coffee limit for the month. If I wanted a coffee, I only used the card. When it ran out, I knew that meant I had to make my coffee at home. I THOUGHT before I BOUGHT, so I ended up spending probably half the amount I'd usually spend in a month. I drank less coffee, which is better for me, and spent less money, which is better for Hubs' blood pressure.
4) Buy a reusable water bottle. Disposable ones are so last season. I recently bought
this bottle (in pink, clearly), and I love it. I carry it with me every day, and I refill it wherever I go. It's amazing how many places have water fountains or water coolers. I took it to the movies the other day, and I was really proud of myself because they charge $4.50 for a bottle of water there. Can we say "highway robbery"? Plus, a reusable bottle is better for you and the environment because most of them are now BPA-free." Posted by Tia, Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think that's cool. I especially liked the one with the garage sale. I kinda do and kinda don't want to hav my own shop. 1) i don't want to suffer all the blah-blah paperwork and the direct blah-blah economy thing that is affecting store-owners head-0n. Still, iv always had this kinch for wanting to sell my stuff. I want to hav a garage sale badly. The last time i had a garage sale was in 1st grade and the only thing we sold was some vacum-cleaner bags and a McDonald's toy. Lame, huh. I hav a lot of clothes stacked away that i don't wear, so i feel that i can pretty much start a yard sale if i wanted to. And, i could definetly steal some clothing from Lizic and Bramble to add a male selection to the sale. Bsides, i could use the cash. With more moolah in my wallet, if u do the math, it means more clothes to buy at the mall. Huzzah!

Okay, i think iv talked too much in this post. I started about being web lonely, and now im mooning about garage sales. I'll stop now. Oh, yeah, and comment please!


Lunar_Star said...

money is always a good thing lol

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