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"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Twilight (Oh no!) Movie

Since I've been talking about Twilight WAY more then is the recommended serving size, i will leav the word-play to Tia.
And, i know, i know- im WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS too late to b talking about Twilight, but oh well. :P :P :P :P

Good morning, internets!

(When I say "morning", I'm using the term loosely, since I haven't been to bed yet.)

JenBun and I had a lovely time at the Twilight premiere. I know many of you will be seeing the movie in the days to come, so fear not: I'm not going to talk about the actual film SPECIFICS, but more just our experience in general.

So, I was a little afraid that we would be a) the oldest people there b) the dorkiest people there c) forced to beat down some thirteen-year-olds or d) all of the above.

(I was ready! No little whippersnapper was going to cut ME in line!)(Saying "whippersnapper" does nothing for the attempted preservation of my youth, I just realized.)

We arrived at the theatre TWO HOURS early, and took our place in the already growing throng of people waiting to get in. TWO HOURS. (See above mentioned: item b) the dorkiest people there.)

After standing in line for about 10 minutes, I realized that not only were we BY FAR less dorky than most of the crowd, we were also right in the middle of the age bracket. There were people years younger and YEARS older than us, all waiting for a glimpse of the big-screen version of Edward Cullen.

When they finally let us in, it was a mad dash for the good seats, but luckily they had multiple screens reserved for the showing, so after securing our spots, we got up to scope out the rest of the Twilighters.

And let me tell you, hilarity ensued.

(Seriously. There are some WEIRD-A** people in the world. And apparently, they're all fans of Twilight.)

JenBun and I had our fabulous sweatshirts, one-of-a-kind and designed by none other than ME, and some of our other friends were also sporting Twilight-themed shirts, but our get-ups were no match for the SMALL CHILDREN dressed as potential child brides for Edward Cullen.

At least, that's what I'm guessing their costumes were.


What other explanation is there? You're seeing vampire love story film, you're dressed in an old fashioned wedding dress, and you're nine years old.


Of course, there were also the requisite goths, and the wanna-be goths, and the chicks that think it's a good idea to go to movies dressed like gothy-hookers, and the boys who date the gothy-hookers but look like bored surfers, and the guys wearing lip rings and eyeliner, and the giggling teenage girls wearing skinny jeans and Uggs.


(I can't get over it. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.)

There were definite perks to attending the premiere: we got Twilight bracelets and a mini poster (which is IMMEDIATELY going up in my hair color locker at work, clearly), and it's always fun to see a movie with a bunch of people who are also all caught up in the hype.

(Except the child brides. Those were just freaky.)

As far as the actual movie goes, I'll just say this: I loved parts of it. I enjoyed all of it. It's worth seeing, especially if you love the books.

(And who am I kidding? I'll be buying the DVD.)

Happy Twilight day, everyone!, it would be weird if I wore my Team Edward sweatshirt to bed, right?


Sweettropic said...

do u wanna kno wats weird? i got a sweatshirt that said 'abercrombie' but thats normal but there was a moon printed on the back i think even the fashion is going into twilight lol

Coco Juniper said...


next thing u know, we'll hav robert pattinson's face stamped across tee-shirts and other random accessories (like hats).


Wickedly Jess said...

wait... i have a shirt with his face on it!

Wickedly Jess said...

but it also has bellas face!

Coco Juniper said...

i know, ur shirt is awesome

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