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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, September 26, 2008

SiCKO Healthcare Issues

Okay, so at my school, in my grade, on my team we r doing debates on the presidential candidates- Obama and McCain. so, naturally, we started talking about some factors that will impact us based on america's decision on which man should b president. 1 of them was healthcare.

y is healthcare so important? well it's wat pays for all ur bills on things that help u stay alive. of course, as u may or may not know-- america's healthcare is among wat is considered the worst there is. Micheal Moore certainly agrees that insurance companies rn't giving their clients what they deserved. One client didn't get her med. bills paid for because her body-mass index was too large. in other words, they didn't giv her the cash bcuz she was FAT. another lady didn't hav her ambulence ride to the emergency room paid for bcuz she didn't inform the insurance company b4hand. that's stupid-- how wuz she gonna know that she was going to need an ambulence b4 the car accident actually happened, and wat- was she supposed to call the insurance company while she was mangled and unconscious on the road?
Workers hav also been quitting their jobs at the insurance companies bcuz they feel that their policy, their methods, and their message r all terrible. Some insurance companies giv a bonus to the workers who deny the most clients. that's not right- and that's certainly turning the workers a little biased.
so, enough with da healthcare angry ramblin's. to cut it short, ppl r paying big money 4 a healthcare that doesn't giv them wat they deserve.

B4 the ramblings took control of a hefty amount of post space, i wuz mentioning something about Micheal Moore, wuzn't i? Micheal Moore is a dude who doesn't believe that american healthcare is worth it. so, he started speakin' out against it, rebellling a little, gettin' the word out-- on youtube!
so ovr at the side-bar u'll notice a video. that's his TRIP TO CUBA, 1 way 2 get the medical treatment ppl deserve. actually, the story behind it is very loooooong, and he has many episodes of his SiCKO (that's the name of his rebelling healthcare videos) trilogy. However, i only hav 1- so that explains some of the loose ties at the end. however, i thought that the message was clear there, so go on--- enjoy.

as u know healthcare in America is painfully expensive, i mean whopper expensive. however, prisioners- murderers, in American prison get quality healthcare for FREE. So, thinking this was super unfair- Micheal Moore and a lot of other desperate Florida citizens boated ovr 2 a small section of Cuba where the prisoners were kept. At the gates of the base, they demanded the medical attention- no more, no less, then what the evil-doers were getting. they did not get their wish, but after sailing to Cuba, they realized that the hospitals there were quite good. In america, the prescription 4 one lady would hav been $120, but in Cuba- the equivelence is 5 cents. 5 cents!? W-O-W. anyway, they got wat they deserved in the end, although they did hav 2 get ovr some bitter boundries dividing the two nations- and focus on what was more important.

srry bout da video. it's not upgraded well so it takes a LONG time ta load. hopefully it'll get bttr.


Wickedly Jess said...

random thing below


Sweettropic said...

it wuz ur birthday? an u didn't invit me 2 ur birthday party? tisk, tisk,

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