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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sunset, the Pokey Kitten


meow! that's right, Sunset is a cat. This 8-week-old kitten is super-active and totally out-going. His previous owner was right when she said he "certainly has a personality!" This guy ain't shy at all, quite different from my 5-year-old cat Callie! My brother, Lizic, named him Sunset, though i flatter myself that i actually came up w/ the name. Lizic, Sunset's owner, liked Sunset bcuz it reminds him of his soft orange coat, and pokey white paws! He's a bit nippy, but so playful. His favorite toy is a straw tied to a long piece of string. he has light blue-green eyes, and he loves to eat my hair!
But enough about that- onward 2 another matter: Callie. Callie is timid, shy, and just a bit cowardly. Completely different then this outgoing, adventurous, and nosy kit, u can c. so, we wondered how she would react to this new addition of the Juniper family. The good news is, she hasn't eaten the bouncy dude. The down news, is that she doesn't seem too fond of him either! When he first arrived, she took to staring at him with her wide green eyes, for about 10 minutes. Then she stayed down in the basement, and hasn't come up. Jealous, probably. Since we've been busy trying to settle him in, she has been keeping 2 herself a lot. Me, my mom, and my bros have been playing w/ her. If she knows that we still luv her, she may not b so envious.
Sunset appears to like the place. and everyone luvs him, so perhaps it will work out. after all, Callie hasn't eaten him- so maybe that's a sign that it's all gonna work out! ehhh, well we'll c how it all works out.

To Moon: hey Moon, d'u still come 2 this blog? U should meet Sunset sometime, he kinda reminds me of Ginny, except a li'l less fluffy. He is adorable! ^_^


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