It's fun 2 make up words, ya know? it just is. here's my random brain dump of made-up sayings, 4 u 2 enjoy.
skhnazl- (skn-nazz-ull): talking really fast cuz ur really excited. (example: "Slow down, sis, ur beginning 2 skhnazl.")
hikikukikukikikikukuki - (it's pronounced like it's spelled): something u say 2 some1 when u really want them 2 shut up, or their skhnazl-ing is beginning 2 bug u. (this actually works 2. if some1's talking and all of a sudden u say this, they get all confused and b quiet.) (try saying hikikukikukikikikukuki 10 times fast!)
hiccupolitusease - (Hih-cup-oh-lite-uss-eese): 1 when someone can't stop hiccuping. 2 when hiccups becomes contagous.
excairquo - (exx-airh-kwo): from the words "excelleration of air quotes" or "extreme air quotes", exairquo is a person who overuses the air-quote-gesture. (example: "Stop being such a exairquo!")
iZombie3 - (ei- zom- bee-thawee): a person who is addicted 2 ipods, MP3s, CD players, radios, (any type of music-playing device.)
schnakhavkahc - (pronounce -or attempt 2 pronounce- it anyway u want. u hav no idea how many different possibilities their r in this word!): mysterious gunk (u kno- that icky stuff u find on the sidewalk, but u don't kno what it is. the gross gooey gunk.)
OML - (Oh-Em-El): an abbriviation 4 O.h M.y L.asanga! (i made this up, but iv been trying my best 4 this 2 catch on, so if 1 day this is a famous word- u'll kno who made it!)
snarky - (snarr-kii): when some1 is acting extremely or abnormally grouchy. (P.S. i did not make up this words. Hundreds of other ppl -maybe even thousands of other ppl- r already using this. 1 of these ppl is Dark Fire Moon. im just saying this bcuz i think she may b slightly mad if i didn't mention her.)
Rate 'em! Out of 5 stars (5 being best, obviously), rate each of "my" words based on originality, catchiness, function, purpose, etc., etc., etc. Then, u can come up with a few of ur OWN words. big debates will b flaring up in the comments box, so b part of it. FOR PETE'S SAKE- COMMENT! PLEASE!
Ahem, no, i do not know a Pete.
Just Something Important...
-Olive, Giggling Livie
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fun Words! Heheheh...
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Spooky Hap'nin's
Things in my house have been getting a li'l spooky lately. For one thing, my mum decided 2 go ovrboard w/ halloween and snazz up some decorations. She got what looks like a cheap plastic bowl with a fake gray hand sticking out of it. it's supposed 2 hav a motion detector on it, so when u reach in the bowl 4 some candy, the hand grabs u and says in a spooky voice: "hahahahahaha, trick or treat!" of course, we got lucky and got the one novelty item that doesn't work but tries 2 make it up 2 us anyway. So when u reach into the bowl and wave ur hand around, there is about a 10% chance (no- make that 5%) that the hand will move. at all. But, in the middle of the night i wake up to: "hahahahahahaha, trick or treat!" that hand hates me, man. 'tis not fair!
and 2 top that all off, there has been some mystical appearences of Lego, so now whenevr i step i hav 2 b careful not to prod myself w/ lego. cuz that stuff hurts 2 step on. the only thing worse then stepping on lego is stepping on a nail, but thankfully there has been none of those around (oh no, i didnt jinx it did i..?)
o, and i didn't mention that my cats hav been going beserk- right? well, they hav. Sunset is like a li'l demon, lurking about in the hallway...awaiting it's next victim. When you're walking, you'll feel a POW, and there u go. Demon-cat wrestlin' ur foot. and this really stinkz if u happen 2 encounter him in the mi'l of da night. Right, this is me: *walking...walking...walking...SCREAMS AT TOP OF LUNGS AND FALLS FACE FIRST ONTO GROUND...glares at orange kitty*. the last thing u want 2 do is tussle w/ a li'l puddy-tat when it's da middle of the night and ur all groggy (well, this is the last thing aftr stepping on a nail. OOPS! did i just jinx myself AGAIN?!) it's really funny how some ppl think cats r peaceful snoozy, sleep-the-whole-day-away (which is some-wat true, cat's sleep alot) cutsy fur-balls. WRONG! they're vicious. ...or at least sunset is.
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Sunday, October 19, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
HUZZAH! We Have A Winner! HUZZAH!
Now, 4 the prize: (each prize is rated on Coco Juniper's Awesome 5 Star Scale - 5 being the best of course-)
1) u get an HONORARY MENTION (2 stars)
2) ur song will b posted here on my blog! (2 stars)
3) u get YOUR OWN POST that u can write entirely on ur own! (4.99999999 stars!)
4) u get 2 change the name of this blog for a week (or two weeks, i'm not picky) (YES!)
So, here's how it works, u get #3 and #4 by simply emailing me ur answers. I'm not gonna put my email up on the blog 'cuz u nvr know whos watching- but u already know my address so that's notta prob. now, don't b embarrassed- ur post and ur blog name can b WHATEVR U LIKE. use this freedom wisely! and don't worry about sounding weird 'cuz that's plain silly considering this is my blog and i (coco juniper) am a weirdo. so weird is natural.
and thanx 2 all of the other ppl who entered the contest. Sweettropic- u rock!
i am vry pleased w/ all of u. 2 b honest, bcuz of the disasterous 1st contest i didn't think this contest would b a success. and...well, the sad song contest wasn't much of a success when only 2 ppl submitted entries (technically, it's only 1 entry considering the last 1 was changed last minute- but u get my drift). but im so pleased u guys tried! that means so much to me. Keep rockin' on!
^_^ - Coco Juniper
p.s. the strange markings under "Pebbles" is actually ur name in Wingdings. ;)
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1 comments
Unusual Paragraph (Hmmm...)
u hav NO idea how hard it is 2 keep trak of this blog w/ school bouncing around and such. I'd b looking at something kinda cool and think, "hey- that might b a good idea 4 a blog." and then i'd b like "O MY GOD! MY BLOG!" and when i finally come here, i'd smack myself in the head when i find that the last time i posted wuz like a week ago.
this isn't the case. here, i wuz lucky cuz i got reminded of my blog a li'l earlier. so u only missed me for 3 dayz. 's'all good.
so here's wat reminded me of my blog. Okay, here it is- it's a riddle. the 1st person who answers this correctly gets a prize, btw. But u'll hav 2 wait 2 find out wat it is (mainly bcuz i haven't thought up an idea of wat the prize could b).
Thanx again to Bellababy who gav me this riddle! ^_^
This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Final Countdown (Read First!)
I'm a sucker 4 good music. It's true. But i might point out that good music isn't always cool music. For example, i kinda like this song from the '80s which sounds pretty lame when i say it. Of course, i didn't know it wuz old when i started liking it, but y'know. whatev.It's called the "FINAL COUNTDOWN" and it's by some band who's name i don't know. i think it's called "Europe." i dunno, i'll get back to u on that. Ovr at the side-bar is the music video. Some of the effects the band did (such as the explosions) were AWESOME, but don't linger on the visual. First of all, as soon as u c the hair some of the band members had u'll want 2 close the window. i mean, come on, don't those guys know what a haircut is? as in, the cutting part? and their pants r so tight. Ugh! *shivers* so don't judge them by wat u c. just listen 2 da music.
dare i giv u the address already? here it is:
a boy once showed me this song and i thought it wuz really awesome. he actually told me about it ...well a year ago if im not correct. maybe a l'i'l less. But i nevr really took the time 2 appreciate it much b4 i took the time 2, u know, really listen 2 it. but it's good. the song, i mean. the song's good. c'mon, giv it a chance!
and in comparison 2 other songs other ppl like, this song isn't actually that old. y'kno. if that helps.
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Sunday, October 12, 2008 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
August Rush's Guitar Solo
Awesome Guitar, August Rush!
There's a clip at from the movie- August Rush. its' about a boy w/ incredible musical talent. i don't wanta get a whole lot more indeph then that, cuz that'll ruin it. also cuz, uh, i haven't finished watching the movie yet. I got about 3/4 the way through. but im seeing if i can find a way 2 c it. i might go 2 Blockbuster or something 2 get it. anyways, as i wuz saying- this dude has got amazing potential. like- whoa!i thought it wuz wicked awesome. so go c the movie. if i remember correctly, it's PG- but i'll c if i can check. anywho- u know the link. go watch it. ;)
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Friday, October 10, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Oh HICCUP the HICCUP terrible HICCUP pain!
I hav a really sore throat today. I can't talk about anything for more then 20 seconds without coughing. and by coughing, do assume a mixture of the following: spluttering, wheezing, choking, retching, gasping, crying, etc., etc., etc. it's, like, sooo not cool. And 2 make matters worse, iv got da hiccups. Here r the results:
More pain!
yeah, so im not feeling up 2 anything much. which is a shame, cuz i had like this AWESOME blog post planned out. But that's not going to happen bcuz all i am prepared to do is sulk like a deflated balloon and moon about myself.
Moon about myself? you ask
No, i do not even know what i meant by that.
So, try this. Think of it this way, my throat is in an sauna...that's on fire...on a volcano...on the sun. (no, i did not quote that properly. i think i might have missed a few words, but w/e. If u can guess where i got that "quote" from then you will recieve a...well, something "good." (yes, the quotation marks r there 4 a reason.))
My pain all started this morning, if i remember correctly...i was eating cereal so naturally my throat got real banged up there (cuz i don't eat cereal w/ milk) (yeah, im weird). so this is wat it's like:
*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal (you'd hav thought that by now i would hav learned my lesson)*
*bite out of cereal (goes 2 show how desperately hungry i am)*
*finally puts down cereal and goes 4 a pop-tart instead*
about time!
----remember that this was all happening inside my throat. I do not sit at the breakfast table belting out weird sound effects. no, this wuz all the drastic anonymous sounds from my mouth. yep, it trues.
And then 2 make matters worse, i had 2 sing 4 chorus. and, naturally, Mr. D. had 2 teach us all the super squeaky high notes when my throat is still wounded. So, not only did i scar every1 that happened 2 b near me 4 life bcuz of my terrible attempts at singing w/ a store throat, but i also hurt myself. self-esteem wise. not that i had evr been able 2 sing well w/ a healthy throat, but still. it burns. :'(
so now, bcuz this has drastically wounded my throat 4 life, i cannot hit the high notes any more (or at least that's wat i suspect will happen.) so instead of going "tweetweetweet" i will go "tweetweetDUNNNN!" and blast out a super low note.
Another reminder about the oh-so-important sad song contest. So far i hav, since i hav last checked, ONE response. I know there r more of u out there, so go on, turn something in! it doesn't hav 2 b perfect y'know. oh, u know u wants to!
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Wednesday, October 08, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
How 2 B Funny- Coco Juniper Style
hmm...i am rambling more then is healthy, rn't i?
here r some points on wat i learned ovr the past makes ppl laff (results may vary). i listed them, c?
1) any kind of joke that haz the word "bozo", "nincompoop", or "butt" in it.
2) any kind of joke with a farting noise in it.
3) any kind of joke with George Bush in it.
4) when u laff. (ever heard of the theme that laffing is contagious? yah, even if the joke is really really lame, if u start laffing like a maniac aftr it's suddenly halarious. laffing in nature's symphony...except when some1 goes so far that milk shoots out of 'is nose.)
if u notice, i apply to #1 the most out of all of them. u can look back through all my posts, and u can c that the funnier of them all r ones that have weird words in it. I don't like 2 do #2, and #4 a whole lot though. For 1 thing, if u do #2 too often u may get a very bad reputation. yeah, think of all the nicknames u can get out of that. and i don't like #4 cuz laffing like a maniac ovr something stupid is bound 2 scare ppl.
i probably shouldn't hav put this post up bcuz the moral in this is misleading. 2 clear things up, saying "bozo" all the time isn't always funny. some ppl will think it's childish and immature. (though i must say that i prefer lame-o words like 'bozo' to some of the stuff kids r saying these days.) and another thing, doing every 4 of those tips i listed won't make u a jock. ppl r a lot more complex then 2 get tickled by George Bush slams 24-7. yeah, so try not 2 take my tips up 2 a level where it's just frightening. b urself. Rock out! ;)
*** if i strain my brain i can possibly remember 4 da future, if there r other tips. keep tuning in 2 2 keep posted on strange stuff like this!
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Sunday, October 05, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
October 2nd? R u kidding? Wow, i haven't been on 4 a while. i'm sorry.
quick reminder bout da contest. It's super cool, and 4 details u can go 2 it's post. Iv gotta feeling that the only ppl who come 2 my blog any more is me (doesn't fill the void), and pebbles (luv ya like a sistah! ^_^). well, i hope i'll get back my audience soon.
im running low on ideas of wat 2 write my posts on, so i'm gonna ramble on about wat makes me tick.
Wat makes me tick? hmm. Basically, it's more or less of the following iv listed b-low.
1) Being in a small compact space filled w/ other ppl when someone passes gas. This drives me nuts! call me oversensitive, but i hate it when someone farts- especially when there's no escaping it- like when ur sitting w/ them in a car.
2) basketball. since im rather tall, lotsa ppl try and make me play basketball, saying that i'll b "so good." This always pulls a switch on my nerve somewhere bcuz i simply cannot play basketball. 4 my life.
3) prejudice. if u don't know wat this means, it's the act 2 judge some1 b4 u get 2 know them. this is a real pit-and-stinkah 4 me bcuz 95% of the kids at my school r a real pal of prejudice. which bugs me so bad.
4) sexist ppl. I hate it when ppl judge some1 else 4 their gender, or think that they're bttr then some1 else bcuz of their gender. it's crazy! GRRRR!
5) rainforest music. u know that soft tinkly music ppl switch on when their doing yoga, or trying 2 relax? yah, that ticks me. instead of calming me down it just makes me restless, and fidgity.
6) disloyalty. i can't think of anything 2 add 2 this.
7) when it's all quiet (like when ur taking a math test) and ur so hungry that ur belly starts ROARING, and evry1 looks at u like ur a loony.
8) stealing. it always ticks me when my bros steal somthing from me. like this time that Bramble ate my sandwich and i wuz so mad that i threw a carrot stick at him. not my idea of revenge, but it still made me feel good. kinda.
9) Soulja Boi (is that how u spell it?). this is a song that evry1 seems 2 loooooooove dancing to. i can't understand it. 2 me it sounds like: "blublublublublublub SOULJA BOI blublublublublublublub SUPERMAN blublublublublub." i don't like rap music, and iv heard that song so many times that i know it by heart. and yet the blubs nvr fail 2 leav.
10) when ur trying 2 explain something 2 some1 when some1 else completely inturrupts, changes the conversation, and doesn't understand how rude their being. OR, an alternativ 2 this is when ur telling some1 something and then all of a sudden, they just STOP listening right in the middle, and then u hav 2 repeat it ovr and ovr and ovr again until it finally sticks.
posta comment! ;)
Posted by the insanely awesome Coco Juniper at Thursday, October 02, 2008 3 comments
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I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch who a...12 years ago
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site! If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or cakewrecks.squarespac...13 years ago
Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!14 years ago
SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...15 years ago
Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of my blo...15 years ago
This is Sad Charlie. Sad Charlie is sad because he hasn't been getting very many face/replaced pictures recently and has nothing good to post on the websit...15 years ago
I Love the Veronicas...yeh bizarrio huh? i'm listening 2 'Untouched' i luv those twins from Austrilia, right, or was it England? Haha, The Suite Life reall...16 years ago
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I Made That!

I think it may give an insight to who I am as a person and what i stand for. I haven't quite figured out yet if that should be worrying. Well, I like it anyway, so whatev.