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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh HICCUP the HICCUP terrible HICCUP pain!

I hav a really sore throat today. I can't talk about anything for more then 20 seconds without coughing. and by coughing, do assume a mixture of the following: spluttering, wheezing, choking, retching, gasping, crying, etc., etc., etc. it's, like, sooo not cool. And 2 make matters worse, iv got da hiccups. Here r the results:

More pain!



yeah, so im not feeling up 2 anything much. which is a shame, cuz i had like this AWESOME blog post planned out. But that's not going to happen bcuz all i am prepared to do is sulk like a deflated balloon and moon about myself.

Moon about myself? you ask
No, i do not even know what i meant by that.

So, try this. Think of it this way, my throat is in an sauna...that's on fire...on a volcano...on the sun. (no, i did not quote that properly. i think i might have missed a few words, but w/e. If u can guess where i got that "quote" from then you will recieve a...well, something "good." (yes, the quotation marks r there 4 a reason.))
My pain all started this morning, if i remember correctly...i was eating cereal so naturally my throat got real banged up there (cuz i don't eat cereal w/ milk) (yeah, im weird). so this is wat it's like:

*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal*
*bite out of cereal (you'd hav thought that by now i would hav learned my lesson)*
*bite out of cereal (goes 2 show how desperately hungry i am)*
*finally puts down cereal and goes 4 a pop-tart instead*
about time!

----remember that this was all happening inside my throat. I do not sit at the breakfast table belting out weird sound effects. no, this wuz all the drastic anonymous sounds from my mouth. yep, it trues.

And then 2 make matters worse, i had 2 sing 4 chorus. and, naturally, Mr. D. had 2 teach us all the super squeaky high notes when my throat is still wounded. So, not only did i scar every1 that happened 2 b near me 4 life bcuz of my terrible attempts at singing w/ a store throat, but i also hurt myself. self-esteem wise. not that i had evr been able 2 sing well w/ a healthy throat, but still. it burns. :'(

so now, bcuz this has drastically wounded my throat 4 life, i cannot hit the high notes any more (or at least that's wat i suspect will happen.) so instead of going "tweetweetweet" i will go "tweetweetDUNNNN!" and blast out a super low note.

Another reminder about the oh-so-important sad song contest. So far i hav, since i hav last checked, ONE response. I know there r more of u out there, so go on, turn something in! it doesn't hav 2 b perfect y'know. oh, u know u wants to!


Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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