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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fun Words! Heheheh...

It's fun 2 make up words, ya know? it just is. here's my random brain dump of made-up sayings, 4 u 2 enjoy.

skhnazl- (skn-nazz-ull): talking really fast cuz ur really excited. (example: "Slow down, sis, ur beginning 2 skhnazl.")

hikikukikukikikikukuki - (it's pronounced like it's spelled): something u say 2 some1 when u really want them 2 shut up, or their skhnazl-ing is beginning 2 bug u. (this actually works 2. if some1's talking and all of a sudden u say this, they get all confused and b quiet.) (try saying hikikukikukikikikukuki 10 times fast!)

hiccupolitusease - (Hih-cup-oh-lite-uss-eese): 1 when someone can't stop hiccuping. 2 when hiccups becomes contagous.

excairquo - (exx-airh-kwo): from the words "excelleration of air quotes" or "extreme air quotes", exairquo is a person who overuses the air-quote-gesture. (example: "Stop being such a exairquo!")

iZombie3 - (ei- zom- bee-thawee): a person who is addicted 2 ipods, MP3s, CD players, radios, (any type of music-playing device.)

schnakhavkahc - (pronounce -or attempt 2 pronounce- it anyway u want. u hav no idea how many different possibilities their r in this word!): mysterious gunk (u kno- that icky stuff u find on the sidewalk, but u don't kno what it is. the gross gooey gunk.)

OML - (Oh-Em-El): an abbriviation 4 O.h M.y L.asanga! (i made this up, but iv been trying my best 4 this 2 catch on, so if 1 day this is a famous word- u'll kno who made it!)

snarky - (snarr-kii): when some1 is acting extremely or abnormally grouchy. (P.S. i did not make up this words. Hundreds of other ppl -maybe even thousands of other ppl- r already using this. 1 of these ppl is Dark Fire Moon. im just saying this bcuz i think she may b slightly mad if i didn't mention her.)

Rate 'em! Out of 5 stars (5 being best, obviously), rate each of "my" words based on originality, catchiness, function, purpose, etc., etc., etc. Then, u can come up with a few of ur OWN words. big debates will b flaring up in the comments box, so b part of it. FOR PETE'S SAKE- COMMENT! PLEASE!

Ahem, no, i do not know a Pete.


Coco Juniper said...

just btw-- Cooper is a cool boy's name. if i had a kid i might name him cooper. Cooper is just such a fun word to say. It's like the noise when u drink a glass of wattah. U make a loud "Coo" gulp when u slug down the water, and then go "pah!" when u inhale loudly as soon as u put down the glass of watter.

just saying, ya know.

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