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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear Mr. Brandon Flowers...

CamoLambo was trying to think of some questions to ask the Killers (u should know who these people r by now, seriously) for The Victims (a fan site, apparently). They hav this inbox so that u can type in some of your burning questions. She wants to put in alot so that there is a higher chance that hers will get picked. I helped her pick out some questions by giving her a few of my own.

"Boxers or briefs?" It would be funny to see their reaction to this perfectly random and somewhat personal question.

"If you were stranded on a deserted island with only your bandmates, who would you eat first?" Cannibalian question. But, it would be very funny to see their response. Gawsh, i hope i don't end up splitting the up the band this way. :-/

"If you met Bruce Springsteen in a broken down elevator, what would you say to him? And what would you guess he'd say back?" The Killers: We're in a broken down elevator.... Bruce Springsteen: Yup.

"If you met President Obama in a broken down elevator, what would you say to him?" So...what about that Global Warming, eh? Uhm...yeah. Oh, and the economy. Yup.

"And Britney Spears?" Nothing. I'd just inch away SLOWLY.

Okay guys, now it's YOUR turn. Use the comments box to post up your best answers of what you think THEY might reply as. Or, even better!, come up with your own questions that you'd ask your celebrity/role model/favorite singer/whatever, and even what you think THEY might say back. And, i'll be in the CBox to talk about it, kay? And....GO!


Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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