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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Saturday, June 21, 2008


this is a game i adapted from my friendz. It's pretty simple: i put out a topic that u answer 2. There'll b a new 1 every week, so u'll have 2 drop by often.

Here'z an example:

TOPIC: what statues could say if they could talk.

2) Oi! You, the golden retriever! Don't you dare whiz on my foot!
3) Y r they staring? Oh man, PLEEZ say that i remembered to get dressed this morning!
4) (the statue of liberty) Hey! Who took my torch?
5) How do we go to the bathroom?

U understand? It's actually not that hard. Still, if u hav any questions at all, then post a comment. I hope 2 c lots of feedback!

here's this time's topic:
Weird names 4 a band that specializes in playing the electric kazoo. (by now i'm running low on ideas- pleez comment if u hav any suggestions! :o )


falcon boy said...

"I don't get it. What have fire-hydrants ever done to us?"

Lycoris said...

Why are you trying to walk like me, pup(a kid)?

Coco Juniper said...

is that hannah montana? I'm going to go bite her head off!

okay, that wuz harsh of me.
but understandable, right?

(if u don't understand, i don't like Hannah Montana that much)

Coco Juniper said...

o, and im srry if my last comment offended any hannah fanz.

Coco Juniper said...

the absolute WORST things you can ask a person while they're lying on their death bed (they're dying basically.)

Lycoris said...

hey, can I have your dog? And your dead body?

Coco Juniper said...

i hav a few.

1) thank u god! u forfilled my deepest wish of all!
2) pass the chips
3) is ur son single?
4)where's the will?
5) well, if u die i suppose it's not a huge loss.
6)maybe next time u'll learn not to go ice-fishing on the empire state building! that is, if there is a next time...
7)good luck in hell!

im not entirely satisfied with all of my answers, but w/e.

Coco Juniper said...

weird things 2 b found in the fine-print of a Hershey's chocolate bar.

Coco Juniper said...

here r mine:

contains cheese
apart from many ferrets- no animals were hurt in the process of making this.
jessica alba is watching u!
hershey's chocolate cannot b held responsible 4 any serious pain brought 2 u by our product.
which came first- the chicken or the egg?

Coco Juniper said...

NEW TOPIC: what 2 say if u really want 2 annoy the pizza guy.

Coco Juniper said...

anything that haz been said earlier can b used 2 annoy the pizza guy.

Wickedly Jess said...

1)it took you 22 minutes. No tip!
3)Eww! Theres a pimple on ur nose!

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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