Just Something Important...
"If ballet were easy it would b called football."
-Olive, Giggling Livie
Okay, this entry is probably too short 2 b a post, but w/e. here, i am just going 2 give u a good moral: you can't judge a book by it's cover. this wuz proven 2 b true at my brother's- Lizic Juniper's- b-day slumper party. He invited this one boy- Gira- who spent half the party farting! it wuz all i could do to stop gagging and spluttering from those treacherous fumes he let off. But, he turned out to b real nice- and he taught me lots of cheats in this one videogame i wuz working on! so, what i'm trying to say is that you can't judge a book- or boys invited to a slumber party- by it's cover...or smell. X.X
My Blog List
I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some
amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch
who a...
12 years ago
Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site!
If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either cakewrecks.com or
13 years ago
Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!
14 years ago
SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would
just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or
writers con...
15 years ago
Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i
even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of
my blo...
15 years ago
This is Sad Charlie. Sad Charlie is sad because he hasn't been getting very
many face/replaced pictures recently and has nothing good to post on the
15 years ago
I Love the Veronicas...yeh bizarrio huh? i'm listening 2 'Untouched' i luv
those twins from Austrilia, right, or was it England? Haha, The Suite Life
16 years ago
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