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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Questions, Suggestions and Comments About This Blog

If u hav any questions, suggestions, or comments about or 4 this blog then u can list them here. For most part this is a free space 4 u 2 discuss whatever u like, but specifically u can put questions, suggestions, or comments (etc.) about this blog here. Thanx.


Coco Juniper said...


Okay, 2 b honest i'm not a huge fan of that, but wuz requested. It's kindof repetitive, but the editing involved is really organized. I would give it 3.5 starz our of 5 for that one.

If ur wondering, the song wuz by "THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC"

Coco Juniper said...

o yah, i forgot. Btw, i'm going to change the video bar about every week, so Accio Love won't b there 4 long, whether u enjoyed it or not. So b sure 2 voice ur opinion soon!

Coco Juniper said...

not 2 mention that there'z a poll about the video bar. it's anonymous so try to b honest, i won't care if u LOVE it or HATE it. I'm just trying 2 figure out what kind of videos u ppls like to watch, so i can get another one with the same/differant genre. So, i would SO appreciate it if u would do that 4 me! That, and feedback here would b lovely. Thanx!

livielove said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Coco Juniper said...

I'm soooooooo sorry Moon! i wuz in the middle of reading it when BAAM! My computer totally SPAZZED and now it's deleted. Hold on, i'll try to bring it back somehow. Urgh! Stupid computer!

Coco Juniper said...

GRRR! I soooo need a new computer! i'm sorry moon, if u like u can retype it, but for most part i read all of it.

oh yeah, don't forget to call me Coco in the future.

Sweettropic said...

COCO! UR blog is like the coolest blog ever! *after mine* jk!


Coco Juniper said...

u hav a blog? what is it?

Sweettropic said...

ah-em *it's in chinese*, coco! :D

Coco Juniper said...

as u hopefully may have noticed (if u haven't noticed then take this time to scrape that crud out of ur eyes!) i changed the blog format. I'm a little unsure about it, so pleez take ur time to post a comment based on whether u like this one bttr then the last. try 2 b honest here

Coco Juniper said...

i changed the thing on BackTalk, just btw.

Lycoris said...

*sigh* the colors kind of hurt my eyes, but other then that it is good.

Coco Juniper said...

thanx, so u agree that though it's good it's bttr? or is it not as good as b4? *just curious here*

Coco Juniper said...


Coco Juniper said...

hello? *im just going to keep going until she notices*

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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  • SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...
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