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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's here! It's here!

Hmm. Perhaps I have an artistic career in the future. Or perhaps a lot of therapy.

Hey all- thanks for coming to Coco Juniper's 100th Anniversarry. I know i promised to do it a looooong time ago, but really, doesn't New Years Eve and 100th Anniversarry and Coco Juniper just WORK? I thinks so. Well, enjoy that piece of art.

It originally started off being inspired by this piece at this AWESOME blog. (I would specifically show u which piece it was, but im too lazy to shift through all those art pieces). It's It is absolutely AMAZING. U people should go check it out. Shyeah!!!

Anyway, i really hope you enjoy it. Again- sorry for the delay. I owe you. And, have a great new year!!! '09 is gonna b a great one- i can feel it in my bones!!!!!!

If I were a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire...

First, to clear it up- Ka-pa-tiddillion is a REAL number. so therefore, a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire is someone with Ka-pa-tiddillion dollars.
To explain, this is because numbers are infinite. It goes on forever (and even past that). So, since it goes on forever, there IS a real number- somewhere along the line of infinity (and beyond)- called ka-pa-tiddillion. Mathamaticians just don't bother to count up that high.
How do you get to number ka-pa-tiddillion? 1 million x ka-pa-tidd. duh.
(and yes ka-pa-tidd IS a real number.)

If I were a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire...

1) I'd save the rainforest.
2) I'd buy the mall.
3) I'd buy Obi-Wan-Kenobi. (Wait- what's that you say? Obi-Wan-Kenobi is dead? Dang it).
4) I'd buy Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. (oooooooooooooh!)
5) I'd sit on a 50 ft by 50 ft throne made from Cap'n Booty (Cheesy puff things)
6) I'd make my own rock band. (*guitar sounds*)

okay, im lost after that. Truth is, to make a real list, i'd need to sit down and ponder hard. And...well, i'm to lazy for that. So...ttyl!!!

Random Joke Alert

How do you keep an idiot busy? (look down)
How do you keep an idiot busy? (look up)

You Voted.

I just happen to make unnecessary side remarks.

Okay, i put up a poll a few so-so weeks ago, asking you what you thought good advice was. You were allowed to pick multiple answers, and i hope you chose wisely.

The #1 winning by a land-slide best advice was... "Coco Juniper Rocks!" Thank you, the 77% of my viewers who chose that. Ahhhh, now that is good advice. Want to c the advice it action? Well, if you insist:

Little Boy: Waaaah! I'm sad because my action-figure broke!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper Rocks!
Little Boy: Thank you kind sir! You made me feel all better!

Random Woman: Oh no! I'm sad because I got mayonaise on my party dress!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper Rocks!
Random Woman: You made my day!

Billionaire: Goodness, I'm sad because I have all this money and I don't know what to do with it!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper still rocks!
Billionaire: That's great! I'll give her a billion dollars, then go save the rain forest!

See? Everyone wins!

The 2nd Place Winner was "Always Believe."


Always believe? Believe in WHAT? Believe in WHO? You really should be more specific.

But don't feel bad, cuz i also voted for that choice too. Great minds think alike.

3-way tie for 3rd place:

"Go, Go, GO." that's just it, go...where? Go WHERE? Specify!!!

"Never stop being YOU." This is good, i liked this. I mean, it's not like you'll have a CHOICE, i mean no matter how twisted or corrupted you may be, you'll always be YOU. But, whatever.

and thirdly: "Don't mix plaid with polka dots." *no comment*

This has been an incredibly boring and wasteful post. Im sorry. I'll try to do bttr next time. Promise.

Warrior Cat Contest


jk, i don't care if you don't like the books- i just wanted to warn you that if you haven't heard of erin hunter then you'll hav trouble following along with this post.

so you might as well skip to the next one. Or you can search "warrior cats" here on my blog to find a few posts with blurbs of info about warrior cats, so you'll be better informed when the winning video is announced.

this is a CONTEST. I felt this blog was beginning to become a one-note, so to get the pulse back im going to enlist YOUR creative surfin'. Usually I'm the one doing all the talking here on this blog (well, DUH, I mean it is my blog). And I'm the one always recommending videos or websites or whatevr. So, to get a li'l more interaction here's a contest for those who have read the warrior cat series by Erin Hunter.

What you do is recommend a video that goes along with one of the listed characters from warriors. You can do ONE of the characters, or as many as you can find crammed into a video. The video can have music, funky graphics, pictures, words, whatever. Make sure it follows the rules (listed later).

You can pick one of the guidelines and find a video for it. You can go find a video for one of the characters listed below....









>(any other of the cats who went on the Great Journey) Tawnypelt, Crowfeather.....





You can find a video about the cat's personality (Tigerstar: decietful), the cat's life overall (bloody and ending in failure), or a single important event that happened in the cats life (attempting to murder Bluestar). Anything at all that is incoorperated with that character is legible as long as it follows the following rules:

>must be APPROPRIATE: no swears, bad images, or intensely bad morals implied.

>the minimum time that the video can be is 1 minute. the maximum time is 5.5 minutes. im flexible, so if it's a little over or a little under, then it's okay. But no 1-hour documentaries. Please!

If your video doesn't follow these rules, then it will be DISQUALIFIED. The deadline for entries hasn't been decided yet, but you'll have PLENTY of time to find the perfect video and i'll giv you a heads-up when they're due. To submit a video, leave a comment with the URL for it. If someone has already used your video, then im sorry but you may have to go get another one. First pick, first draw. Sorry.

So get creative! I can't wait!

Twilight (Oh no!) Movie

Since I've been talking about Twilight WAY more then is the recommended serving size, i will leav the word-play to Tia.
And, i know, i know- im WEEKS AND WEEKS AND WEEKS too late to b talking about Twilight, but oh well. :P :P :P :P

Good morning, internets!

(When I say "morning", I'm using the term loosely, since I haven't been to bed yet.)

JenBun and I had a lovely time at the Twilight premiere. I know many of you will be seeing the movie in the days to come, so fear not: I'm not going to talk about the actual film SPECIFICS, but more just our experience in general.

So, I was a little afraid that we would be a) the oldest people there b) the dorkiest people there c) forced to beat down some thirteen-year-olds or d) all of the above.

(I was ready! No little whippersnapper was going to cut ME in line!)(Saying "whippersnapper" does nothing for the attempted preservation of my youth, I just realized.)

We arrived at the theatre TWO HOURS early, and took our place in the already growing throng of people waiting to get in. TWO HOURS. (See above mentioned: item b) the dorkiest people there.)

After standing in line for about 10 minutes, I realized that not only were we BY FAR less dorky than most of the crowd, we were also right in the middle of the age bracket. There were people years younger and YEARS older than us, all waiting for a glimpse of the big-screen version of Edward Cullen.

When they finally let us in, it was a mad dash for the good seats, but luckily they had multiple screens reserved for the showing, so after securing our spots, we got up to scope out the rest of the Twilighters.

And let me tell you, hilarity ensued.

(Seriously. There are some WEIRD-A** people in the world. And apparently, they're all fans of Twilight.)

JenBun and I had our fabulous sweatshirts, one-of-a-kind and designed by none other than ME, and some of our other friends were also sporting Twilight-themed shirts, but our get-ups were no match for the SMALL CHILDREN dressed as potential child brides for Edward Cullen.

At least, that's what I'm guessing their costumes were.


What other explanation is there? You're seeing vampire love story film, you're dressed in an old fashioned wedding dress, and you're nine years old.


Of course, there were also the requisite goths, and the wanna-be goths, and the chicks that think it's a good idea to go to movies dressed like gothy-hookers, and the boys who date the gothy-hookers but look like bored surfers, and the guys wearing lip rings and eyeliner, and the giggling teenage girls wearing skinny jeans and Uggs.


(I can't get over it. It was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.)

There were definite perks to attending the premiere: we got Twilight bracelets and a mini poster (which is IMMEDIATELY going up in my hair color locker at work, clearly), and it's always fun to see a movie with a bunch of people who are also all caught up in the hype.

(Except the child brides. Those were just freaky.)

As far as the actual movie goes, I'll just say this: I loved parts of it. I enjoyed all of it. It's worth seeing, especially if you love the books.

(And who am I kidding? I'll be buying the DVD.)

Happy Twilight day, everyone!, it would be weird if I wore my Team Edward sweatshirt to bed, right?

Donkey Model? Good Grief!

We believe beauty can be found in many places, but who would have predicted that a donkey could make headlines on a fashion magazine? "It's a fashion dead-end," Sandy Cheeks from Bikini Bottom states, "we can trust that style has finally left forever."

Or has it?

Producers of the magazine "Model" contradict that Donkey is a rare kind of his breed, and has uncharacteristic grace. "Donkey just screams beauty," says Ugly Betty, head producer of the magazine, "but more than that, he gives a positive influence to the public that no fashion icon before him has presented." It's true, Donkey has been giving very inspirational speeches now that he's climbed to power. He had already been mildly well-known, from his role in "Shrek", but now he has become more than a supporting character. He is the star!

"Yes, yes, I always try to look my best," Donkey tells us shortly after the photo-shoot in Los Angeles. "I shampoo every three hours, and add a finishing after-gel to my coat for extra sheen ever half an hour. I was hesitant to using bright Coral lipstick with my skin-tone, but with a little balancing nail-polish and mascara, it worked out after all. Also the blush...."

However, some question Donkey's right to lead. "It's irrational," Billy-Bob-Joe of Utah complains. "Donkey has no idea what is being thrust on his shoulders. Donkeys can't be models. For goodness sake, HE'S NOT WEARING ANY CLOTHES."

Madonna agrees heartily. "Of course, i don't think Donkey is worthy. Look at him! Mascara?! Donkeys CANNOT wear mascara!"

But anyway, Donkey still remains at large. Even Shrek supports his movement. "Well sure, it's undignifying, and wrong, and gross, and stupid, and wacky, and appalling, and shocking, and scarring, and hideous, and terrible, and horrible, and frightning--but i respect-" (air-quotes around "respect) "- and humor his decision. NOW GET OUT OF MY SWAMP!"

How long will this last? What will come of it? There are many risks of having Donkey a model and open to the public, but can he handle it? Vote here at!


Ppl r very predictable. Think about it.

If i went up to some of my friends, to think of a few, and smacked them, i can probably predict what they'd do to me.

One of my friends would yell "OW! What the heck?!" and smack me back.

The second one would be very hurt (not physically), and stare at me w/ a shattered expression (oh heart is aching already....)

The third one would b completely baffled, rub their cheek and ask "What did i do?"

The fourth one would whack me on the head w/ whatevr they happen to be carrying at the time and say "Get a grip!"

If i went up to them and gave them $20, i can probably predict how they'd react.

#1: would blink a few times, then say in a quiet voice: "I can't accept this."
#2: would stare at me as if this was some sort of joke, then say "..what? seriously?!"
#3: would grin widely and say "Gee thanks!!!"
#4: would scratch their head, shrug, then snatch up the moolah before i can change my mind.

If I went up to them and sneezed, i can try to predict what they'd do.

#1: would say (looking at me with concern) "do you need a tissue?" OR "r u okay?"
#2: would cringe away, "ew ew ew ew!"
#3: would go; "do you MIND?"
#4: would flick mutter, "wierdo," and walk away with a disgusted expression.

Me is psychic, yo. Hoozah! (Meh new word)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cereal Without Milk? What, You Can't See It?

this is post #99.
To put it out there, the 100th anniversarry will be on the day AFTER christmas. so we'll c how that goes.

Just wondering:
do any of u eat cereal without milk? or am i the only one?

*sighs* i am weird. but i don't c how i can help that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Post #98

hello internets,

just to let u know- this is the 98th post i hav ever written on this blog. In two more posts there will b the ONEHUNDRETH ANNIVERSARRY CELEBRATION-NATION (don't u luv rhymy words?). lol myself. so, on the 100th post, there will be "party". u kno, like the 50th anniversary except BETTER. i haven't quite decided on a date yet--i'll wait for that to b revealed on the next post. On that date, i will let out a bunch of random posts all at once. videos, pictures, music, URLs for other websites, bits and pieces of stories im writing for fun, MAYBE. MAYBE MAYBE. I haven't exactly got all that stuff yet. But when i do, it will rock u. But u anticipated that much.

yesterday was an okay day.
if u didn't know, there was, oh gosh, AN ICESTORM!!! (jeez, u think u would hav realized!) I lost power for about 24 hours, as did, like, everyone else. Without power, there was no heat- so to escape the coldness we ran to friendly's. Then, because we had nothing else to do and because we wanted to go somewhere warm- we went to the mall. and, i got myself 1) an avril lavigne cd and a tin sign w/ a pic of Elvis on it that u can hang up on ur wall. Why?!?! Heck, im COCO for goodness sake. I don't buy CLOTHES, i buy ELVIS. Cuz im just that cool.
okay, i lied a li'l. I do buy clothes. I enjoy buying clothes. I also got myself a tee that says in bright neon letters "YES WE CAN" on the front. Which may or may not be provoking. Odds r, that if i around school in that tee, i will get a million ppl (all boys, gah) saying "NO, we CAN'T" to me. but that's the price u'll hav to pay for wearing that kind of shirt.

finally, iv got the electricity back. Which is good, because i was getting tired of reading TWILIGHT by candle-light in a thick big jacket. Oh, and speaking of Twilight... ('oh not again!' u think, 'y won't this lady stop talking about Twilight?!')...i finally saw the movie. Actually, i saw it a week ago but was too lazy to post up my opinion about it on the blog.

Dark Fire Moon tried to turn me against watching it, with magical phrases such as "it will suck" and "Edward's a creep" (though, really, he IS a creep). But, i was intensely curious. And i watched it. And it was GOOD. Yes, GOOD.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Playlist

I was a playlist I made over at the side-bar. Was. Now, I dunno where it wents. Blog trouble? Computer trouble? URL trouble? I dunno. Either way, i made one---and then it was gone. And when i went to the site to make it again, my computer picked the best moment to take a REALLY long time loading. I dunno if it likes me anymore. I tried to fix it but things are a li'l sketchy. Have fun with it though. As far as i know, there is a possibility the playlist may be at the side-bar like i promised. heh. funny. There may also be songs i didn't mention in the post. That's a mistake too. Still, thy are good songs so listen to 'em. Peace out.
So, since you can't listen to the playlist. I'll just list what the songs i was going to put on. Some mean a lot to me. Some mean absolutely nothing at all. And some, were just smacked there randomly. So, here's my dough. Enjoy.

Memories by Within Temptation.
Who-a. Killer soprano! Within Temptation is known (by me) for being a mournful band. It's beautiful, high, and sad. I like this piece of music because I think it has a very beautiful but sad point. It means a lot to me personally, and relates to some of my favorite characters in books. I luv it.

Greensleeves by Mozart
Or at least I think it was by Mozart (gonna hav to check). Anywho, i like this because I think it relates a lot about who I am as a person. I absolutely luv this song too. It's medievaly and great. I am learning how to play it on the piano, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I can mix it up a li'l so it can be sad or happy or caffienated or obnoxious. The Greensleeves song at the side-bar is in rock, by accident. It's a mistake. To listen to the song i'm referring to, go to Don't pay any attention to the images. Listen to the song.

Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell/Robert Pattinson
I've been told that there are two different Bella's lullabies. I'm not sure if Carter or Rob wrote it. It's the one at, whichever one that is. I like this, because...well it's just a mush of stuff. Partially because I liked the books. Partially because this is somewhat close to what i imagined Bella's lullaby to sound like. Mainly because it's pretty.

The Final Countdown by Europe
Haven't I already lectured you on this?

Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy
I like this song because it gets the pulse going. I first heard this when i was about 8 years old. I remember really liking the real jam of the piece. I didn't hear it for a while, and then recently it's been playing a lot. And i love it. It's something i liked then, and it's something i like now.
(P.S. What is up with all the chimps in the music video? Just saying.)

Lord of the Rings by Enya
I grew up listening to this as a kid. I don't know why or how or exactly when but i did. Everytime i hear this, i have this strong feeling of deja vu. I think of times when i wuz real little. I know this song too much. And i love it.

Harry Potter Theme by ??????
I forget who wrote the dooodooodooodooodooodooodooo harry potter song. You know what I'm talking 'bout, right? I had a dream once, well actually a whole bunch of dreams in a row, with this harry potter music. My friends still tease me 'bout it to this day. I'm a harry potter fan, and naturally i can feel a warm sense of recognition when i hear this song.

We Three Kings (Of Orient) by ????? (Old Christmas Hymn)
Out of all the christmas hymns, i like this one the best. It has a warm thrum to it, a gentle but full beat. It's a really really great song.

Ma Ya Hi by Dan Balan
Whenever I think of Ma Ya Hi, i think of my Uncle Deitmar. I don't know why. Maybe it's the whole bouncy theme of the music or the fun words like "Numa numa" that remind me of him. Whatever. Anywho, Mi Ya Hi is a cool song. One day im just going to invite a whole bunch of friends to my house and start blasting Mi Ya Hi. They may not like it, but it's my house. ;) lol

Girlfriend by Avril Lavinge
Is that how you spell her last name? I can never get it right! I think Avril Lavinge has an awesome taste of fashion. It's punk, but it's peeeeerdy. Me like a lot. Why do i like this song? Heck, i dunno. It's just another thing that i file carefully in the back of my head for no reason. >.<

Crazy Frog by Crazy Frog
I think. Whatev. Me and my cousin Bex went on a Crazy Frog phase. We sang Crazy Frog. We talked Crazy Frog. We ate Crazy Frog. We breathed Crazy Frog. We thought Crazy Frog. We would burst into song for the heck of it, and listen to it all night long. I even have some pictures i drew at the time to prove it. Then, next summer i went over and we listened to crazy frog once. Neither of us was very impressed. "You know, why did we ever like Crazy Frog in the first place?" Bex said. We were quiet for a moment. "It's actually a pretty dumb song," i concluded. The CF phase was over, but whenever i hear this song i think back to the days when we were obsessed 8-year-olds.

So What by P!nk
Ahhh, P!nk. Me and my friends chose to do this song for our own dance routine that we did in front of the whole grade when we went off to a leadership school. We rocked the air-guitar, yo. I mean, we were only up there for 30 seconds, but shyeah. The judges kinda liked ours too. Out of 5 we got one perfect score and two 4s. I think. We didn't win, but it was still kinda fun.

Not all of what I listed are good songs. Some of them may possibly be terrible pieces or work. But, they mean so much to me that it doesn't matter. I'm gonna c if i can get my playlist back, but no promises, guys. Anyway, enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Too Cool For Edward

Just for fun, i went onto, to take this Twilight quiz i heard about. It's supposed to tell you what character you are in Twilight (Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Jacob...). Instead, i got THAT. I stared at it for about 20 minutes.

"You are ____ ????"

Yeah, that's right. I'm too cool for any of them. ;D

Oh, and just to put it out there- i'm on TEAM JACOB. Wooooh! *waves flag*. Yeahuh. He rocks. Go Jacob. I know that everyone nowadays is on team Edward, but still. He just seems better. I'm a loyal wolfian *wags tail*.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dude! Do You Realize? It's Just a Shirt With Words on It!

Today I wore a Plain White T's shirt with Abercrombie jeans and an American Eagle Sweatshirt.
I'll get back to you on that.

First, i want to rant on about human obsessions. Dude, have you realized? EVERYONE AT MY SCHOOL DRESSES THE SAME. Everyday, a girl will walk in with a layered tee either from Abercrombie, Hollister, or Aeropostle, jeans, and Uggs. Honestly. I can literally predict what they are going to wear the next day.

And, then the boys. They're just as bad. 50% of the population wear Hurley shirts, and the other 50% wear stuff from abercrombie or hollister (just like the girls.) And jeans. I can predict what they'll wear the next day. So should i wear the RED hurley shirt or the BLACK hurley shirt today? Yeah, like it makes a difference!!!

And even then, it's so the same. Get a plain colored T-shirt and slap a brand name on the front. That's it. And, kapeesh, it's like $30 (the abercrombie, anyway).

I almost wish we all wore uniforms. Almost. I'm not ready to give up my skinny-jean days quite yet.

So I at least try to be original.The American Eagle Sweatshirt wasn't too unique, but at least it didn't have a brand name on it. As for the Abercrombie jeans, I'll say this. I really, really do luv em. So what if I'm too adorable for abercrombie? Those are killer jeans, yo. And then the Plain White T's tee....Honestly...I DON'T like the plain white ts. They're just another mediocre band with a lead singer with a funny name. I just happen to like the shirt.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Conclusion Based Off the Exertion of Momentum Driven Into the Liquid of an Egg Causing it to Spin Additionally!

it's been a while.

You know King Midas? Whatever he touched turned to gold? Yeah, I'm like that with technology (not the gold part.) End of summer, my computer crashed, and now the computer i was using completely broke down too. So thats how I'm like Middy here, whatever technology i touch...dies. Yeah, bummer.
So right now I'm using my dads computer. I know I'm putting it at risk with my "Middy touch" (btw, it's pronounced MY-dee, not midd-y) but its worth it. I mean, only a few people come to it occasionly, and i usually just prattle on about a lot of useless topics but that's okay. I humor myself.
(and those few people who come to it occasionally- keep rockin' on! Luv ya guys. ;) )

Oh, guess what? In science today, we learned how to tell a hard-boiled egg from a raw egg WITHOUT breaking open the shell.
Just as a little side-track, do you know those carnival rides where you spin, spin, spin, spin, spin around so fast that you end up feeling really dizzy when you come off (and maybe a li'l nautious.)? The reason why you feel so dizzy is that the water in your ears is still sloshing around in your noggin from that crazy ride. So, your body is tricked out into thinking that you're still spinning. The momentum of the ride spinning around unsettles the water in your ears, which doesn't settle down again for a few long moments.
Back to where i was-- the eggs. To tell the hard-boiled egg from the raw egg without breaking open the shell, you start to SPIN it rapidly on a flat surface. Like a top. Then, you suddenly STOP them from spinning. The hard-boiled egg shouldn't move, but the raw one (what, with all the liquidy ick stuff in it) should still be rocking and maybe spin one last slow lap. That's cuz the liquid in it hasn't settled, just like when the water in your ears hasn't settled from the viciously spinny ride. (Only the egg doesn't throw up.) Go figure!
Okay, i bet you don't care about anything i just said. Right? Yeah, i thought so. So you can decide to do whatever you like with that bit of info. Hey, with some polishing, that knowlege can make a pretty good punch-line for a joke even!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because, since he measured the exertion of momentum driven into the liquid of the egg causing it not to spin additionally, he concluded that it was a hard-boiled egg and he wants to demand a refund.

*cricket, cricket* *tumbleweed* *baby cries*

Knock Knock
Who's There?
The conclusion based off the exertion of momentum driven into the liquid of an egg causing it to spin additionally!
The conclusion based off blahblahblahblah, who?
A raw egg, silly!
Oh, doh!

*chortles* hey, that actually was pretty funny. Well, no, it wasn't, but humor me and laugh. LOL.

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

My Blog List

  • I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch who a...
    12 years ago
  • Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site! If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or cakewrecks.squarespac...
    13 years ago
  • Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!
    14 years ago
  • SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...
    15 years ago
  • Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of my blo...
    15 years ago
  • This is Sad Charlie. Sad Charlie is sad because he hasn't been getting very many face/replaced pictures recently and has nothing good to post on the websit...
    15 years ago
  • I Love the Veronicas...yeh bizarrio huh? i'm listening 2 'Untouched' i luv those twins from Austrilia, right, or was it England? Haha, The Suite Life reall...
    16 years ago

Meh Followers

I Made That!

I Made That!
I think it may give an insight to who I am as a person and what i stand for. I haven't quite figured out yet if that should be worrying. Well, I like it anyway, so whatev.