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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Conclusion Based Off the Exertion of Momentum Driven Into the Liquid of an Egg Causing it to Spin Additionally!

it's been a while.

You know King Midas? Whatever he touched turned to gold? Yeah, I'm like that with technology (not the gold part.) End of summer, my computer crashed, and now the computer i was using completely broke down too. So thats how I'm like Middy here, whatever technology i touch...dies. Yeah, bummer.
So right now I'm using my dads computer. I know I'm putting it at risk with my "Middy touch" (btw, it's pronounced MY-dee, not midd-y) but its worth it. I mean, only a few people come to it occasionly, and i usually just prattle on about a lot of useless topics but that's okay. I humor myself.
(and those few people who come to it occasionally- keep rockin' on! Luv ya guys. ;) )

Oh, guess what? In science today, we learned how to tell a hard-boiled egg from a raw egg WITHOUT breaking open the shell.
Just as a little side-track, do you know those carnival rides where you spin, spin, spin, spin, spin around so fast that you end up feeling really dizzy when you come off (and maybe a li'l nautious.)? The reason why you feel so dizzy is that the water in your ears is still sloshing around in your noggin from that crazy ride. So, your body is tricked out into thinking that you're still spinning. The momentum of the ride spinning around unsettles the water in your ears, which doesn't settle down again for a few long moments.
Back to where i was-- the eggs. To tell the hard-boiled egg from the raw egg without breaking open the shell, you start to SPIN it rapidly on a flat surface. Like a top. Then, you suddenly STOP them from spinning. The hard-boiled egg shouldn't move, but the raw one (what, with all the liquidy ick stuff in it) should still be rocking and maybe spin one last slow lap. That's cuz the liquid in it hasn't settled, just like when the water in your ears hasn't settled from the viciously spinny ride. (Only the egg doesn't throw up.) Go figure!
Okay, i bet you don't care about anything i just said. Right? Yeah, i thought so. So you can decide to do whatever you like with that bit of info. Hey, with some polishing, that knowlege can make a pretty good punch-line for a joke even!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because, since he measured the exertion of momentum driven into the liquid of the egg causing it not to spin additionally, he concluded that it was a hard-boiled egg and he wants to demand a refund.

*cricket, cricket* *tumbleweed* *baby cries*

Knock Knock
Who's There?
The conclusion based off the exertion of momentum driven into the liquid of an egg causing it to spin additionally!
The conclusion based off blahblahblahblah, who?
A raw egg, silly!
Oh, doh!

*chortles* hey, that actually was pretty funny. Well, no, it wasn't, but humor me and laugh. LOL.


Sweettropic said...

because u made ur bad jokes funny, they were FUNNY! and that is so cool! all we did in science was discet a rock

Coco Juniper said...

hahaha, i luv a good bad joke. and how do you dissect a rock?!

Sweettropic said...

u pound it on the floor realy hard till it cracks, plus ours were realy soft

Wickedly Jess said...

nice... my teacher did that, except she wears really long fake nails and her nail nearly cracked!

Coco Juniper said...

your new science teacher?

Or the "round" one? *cough fat cough*

Coco Juniper said...

lol, u kno i still tease u bout that.

Sweettropic said...

wow, haha lol

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