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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You Voted.

I just happen to make unnecessary side remarks.

Okay, i put up a poll a few so-so weeks ago, asking you what you thought good advice was. You were allowed to pick multiple answers, and i hope you chose wisely.

The #1 winning by a land-slide best advice was... "Coco Juniper Rocks!" Thank you, the 77% of my viewers who chose that. Ahhhh, now that is good advice. Want to c the advice it action? Well, if you insist:

Little Boy: Waaaah! I'm sad because my action-figure broke!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper Rocks!
Little Boy: Thank you kind sir! You made me feel all better!

Random Woman: Oh no! I'm sad because I got mayonaise on my party dress!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper Rocks!
Random Woman: You made my day!

Billionaire: Goodness, I'm sad because I have all this money and I don't know what to do with it!
Sky the Weasel: Never fear! Coco Juniper still rocks!
Billionaire: That's great! I'll give her a billion dollars, then go save the rain forest!

See? Everyone wins!

The 2nd Place Winner was "Always Believe."


Always believe? Believe in WHAT? Believe in WHO? You really should be more specific.

But don't feel bad, cuz i also voted for that choice too. Great minds think alike.

3-way tie for 3rd place:

"Go, Go, GO." that's just it, go...where? Go WHERE? Specify!!!

"Never stop being YOU." This is good, i liked this. I mean, it's not like you'll have a CHOICE, i mean no matter how twisted or corrupted you may be, you'll always be YOU. But, whatever.

and thirdly: "Don't mix plaid with polka dots." *no comment*

This has been an incredibly boring and wasteful post. Im sorry. I'll try to do bttr next time. Promise.


Sweettropic said...

bravo coco bravo! i luv ALL ur posts espically the random ones! COCO JUNIPER ROXS AND SHE ALSO GAVE FASHION INSPERIANCE 2 MY COUSIN IN CHINA! BRAVO!

Coco Juniper said...


thanks you, thank you very much

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