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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

If I were a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire...

First, to clear it up- Ka-pa-tiddillion is a REAL number. so therefore, a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire is someone with Ka-pa-tiddillion dollars.
To explain, this is because numbers are infinite. It goes on forever (and even past that). So, since it goes on forever, there IS a real number- somewhere along the line of infinity (and beyond)- called ka-pa-tiddillion. Mathamaticians just don't bother to count up that high.
How do you get to number ka-pa-tiddillion? 1 million x ka-pa-tidd. duh.
(and yes ka-pa-tidd IS a real number.)

If I were a Ka-Pa-Tiddillionaire...

1) I'd save the rainforest.
2) I'd buy the mall.
3) I'd buy Obi-Wan-Kenobi. (Wait- what's that you say? Obi-Wan-Kenobi is dead? Dang it).
4) I'd buy Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. (oooooooooooooh!)
5) I'd sit on a 50 ft by 50 ft throne made from Cap'n Booty (Cheesy puff things)
6) I'd make my own rock band. (*guitar sounds*)

okay, im lost after that. Truth is, to make a real list, i'd need to sit down and ponder hard. And...well, i'm to lazy for that. So...ttyl!!!


Sweettropic said...

if i were a ka-ba-ta-whatever its called i'd 1. buy all da malls
2. buy gold firepokers 3. and buy the twilight set lol XD

Coco Juniper said...

Buy the twilight set? I'd buy Robert Pattinson, yo! hahaha, jk. No- that would b slightly creepy.

Wickedly Jess said...

id buy... a horse, the set of mamma mia (i <3 that movie so much!), a puppy, and the twilight set!(& maybe stephanie meyer!)

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