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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Warrior Cat Contest


jk, i don't care if you don't like the books- i just wanted to warn you that if you haven't heard of erin hunter then you'll hav trouble following along with this post.

so you might as well skip to the next one. Or you can search "warrior cats" here on my blog to find a few posts with blurbs of info about warrior cats, so you'll be better informed when the winning video is announced.

this is a CONTEST. I felt this blog was beginning to become a one-note, so to get the pulse back im going to enlist YOUR creative surfin'. Usually I'm the one doing all the talking here on this blog (well, DUH, I mean it is my blog). And I'm the one always recommending videos or websites or whatevr. So, to get a li'l more interaction here's a contest for those who have read the warrior cat series by Erin Hunter.

What you do is recommend a video that goes along with one of the listed characters from warriors. You can do ONE of the characters, or as many as you can find crammed into a video. The video can have music, funky graphics, pictures, words, whatever. Make sure it follows the rules (listed later).

You can pick one of the guidelines and find a video for it. You can go find a video for one of the characters listed below....









>(any other of the cats who went on the Great Journey) Tawnypelt, Crowfeather.....





You can find a video about the cat's personality (Tigerstar: decietful), the cat's life overall (bloody and ending in failure), or a single important event that happened in the cats life (attempting to murder Bluestar). Anything at all that is incoorperated with that character is legible as long as it follows the following rules:

>must be APPROPRIATE: no swears, bad images, or intensely bad morals implied.

>the minimum time that the video can be is 1 minute. the maximum time is 5.5 minutes. im flexible, so if it's a little over or a little under, then it's okay. But no 1-hour documentaries. Please!

If your video doesn't follow these rules, then it will be DISQUALIFIED. The deadline for entries hasn't been decided yet, but you'll have PLENTY of time to find the perfect video and i'll giv you a heads-up when they're due. To submit a video, leave a comment with the URL for it. If someone has already used your video, then im sorry but you may have to go get another one. First pick, first draw. Sorry.

So get creative! I can't wait!


Sweettropic said...

here's mine: COCOJUNIPERROXKSPAW awesome huh?
another one: I'MAWESOMETAIL
fabulous eh?

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