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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, August 29, 2008

50th Anniversarry Comments Page

Any, any at all- comments on this 50th Anniversarry can b put here! Or, u can just plain talk about anything u want at all!

-Coco Juniper ^_^

Twilight Book Update!

The Twilight Book Series is an incredible collection by Stephanie Meyer! Let's c what one fan thinks of this outrageous new book, a mixture of action, horror, romance, but mostly VAMPIRE. It is described as "a love story with bite." And that's true! But don't take my word 4 it (iv only read the first book so far!)- take Pebbles! i'm sure you're all familiar w/ her from the Pebble's Takeover, and now she is going 2 giv us a word on the books.

What did you like the best in Twilight?
Bella nagging Edward to make her a vampire.

How could the book be improved?
More time in La Push, learning about vampires.

Who is your favorite character in Twilight and why?
Bella, Jacob, Alice. Bella because she is SUCH A KLUTZ! Jacob 'cause...well, you'll find out in Book 2. Alice because she's so spunky. Who wouldn't love her?

What would you rate the Twilight Series out of 5 stars?
Twilight: Infinity Stars
New Moon: 2-5 billion
Eclipse: Infinity
Breaking Dawn: Infinity and 1 billion.

Manga Girl Showdown

Which manga girl do YOU think is bttr? Post a comment 2 answer!

Gotta a BTTR manga / anime girl picture? post the web address in a comment, and aftr i will go through them all and declare a winner! Remember the picture has 2 b appropriate, no nudity, blood, etc.

Like these? You'll LOVE the collection ovr at !


This question came from NickMag. D'you think u can answer it? Out of the 5 people i told this question to, nobody got it correct though 1 of them came close. The question will b here all weekend, so post your answer and on Monday i will giv the real answer! Giv it a shot!

You have three bananas in a basket. You have three monkeys. How is it possible that u can give each monkey at least 1 banana, while keeping at least 1 banana in the basket?

Got your own Brain-Teaser? Post a Comment!

What to do When Someone You Know Has BO

At some point in life, u will b hanging out w/ some ppl who smell. maybe they don't hav enough money for deodorant, or perhaps they 4got to shower...maybe they just naturally stink or perhaps they're a hillbillie. whatevr, it is, i can imagine it's distincty unpleasant. as an experianced proffesional i advise u take the suggestions below (provided from 211 Things A Clever Girl Can Do, by Bunty Cutler) to stop the stink from poisoning ur sense of smell. The regular print btwn the quotation marks is directly from the book, the ones in italics outside the marks r my own personal help.

1) "The occasional comment to the room in general: 'What is that curious scent, ladies?" Go up to her- 'ewwwww, do u smell something- or is it just YOU! ' u know i wuz just kidding about that right? RIGHT?!
2) "Open a window near her." that may work...maybe...
3) "Leave deodorant...near her desk or bag." she'll probably b bewildered and wonder where on earth it came from, but it's worth a shot...maybe...
4) "Buy strongly scented flowers and put them near her desk." doensn't sound so inconspicuous to me!
5) "Offer the occasional squirt of air freshner or perfume in her direction and ask if she likes the fragrance". that could work...but what happens when u run outta perfume? X.X
6) "Ping her an anonymous email." i don't know about u, but i'd b pretty freaked out if some anonymous person that i don't know just sends me a random letter on BO!
7) "If all else fails, then now is time to find out what you are made of. Tell your colleague in private that you've noticed there may b problems with her personal hygiene- be kind because BO can be the sign of underlying problems, medical and emotional."no comment
8) "If you have no luck, it's time to get your own back. Leave a bag of sardines in her desk drawer. If this has no effectl drag her outside, take the fire extinguisher off the wall, and hose her down. Even if it doesn't work, you'll feel better." oh, yah! this is what i'm talking about (just kidding)!

3 Random Facts!

Here, r 3 listed things that i thought u should know!

1) The loofah is a tropical vine fruit. (Is loofah a cool word or what?!)
2) Loudest recorded snore: 87 decibals. Put this into comparison- typical vacum cleaner: 70 decibals.
3) Cat bites r rarer than dog bites but more prone to infection. (y u care...? i do not know!)

Cool Vocab!

D'you know what's really fun? making up words! or even bttr- saying them! to people! and watching their bewildered expression! that's what's really fun!
below i hav a few words i found from various places, that i thought wuz cool. pleez take ur time 2 enjoy them! ;)

“Road chick∙en \ ‘rode ‘chi-ken\ n : someone who can’t decide which side to be on, and ends up standing in the middle of the road…which is, of course, where the cars are”
from Sixth-Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me, by Lisa Papademetriou

“Pe∙cool∙iar \ peh-‘cool-yer\ adj : something (or someone) both cool and strange at the same time”
From Sixth-Grade Glommers, Norks, and Me, by Lisa Papademetriou

Chim∙ping \ ‘chym-‘ping\ v : “making an “Ooh! Ooh!” sound”
from The Big Book of Girl Stuff, by Bart King

Duh-mo∙ment \ duh-mo-‘ment\ n : “the feeling you get right after you ask a dumb question. (For example:) ‘I had a duh-moment after I asked her where she got her birthmark.’” from The Big Book of Girl Stuff, by Bart King

Quag∙gy \ ‘kwag-e\ adj : flabby, yielding (wait- this is a real word. L Sorry, I couldn’t tell the difference!)

Mug∙gle \ mug-ull\ n : 1: a non-magical human being (from the Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling) 2. anyone not in your group of friends (from The Big Book of Girl Stuff by Bart King) 3. an act to ambush someone in a playful, but rough manner. (For example:) “I was reading peacefully in my room when my brother played a muggle on me.” (from Coco Juniper)

Sil∙ver∙pelt \ sil-ver-‘pelt\ n : “(the) thick band of stars you see each night stretching across the sky.” from Warriors- Into The Wild, by Erin Hunter

Rip-off-art∙ist \ ‘rip-off-‘art-ist\ n : “a sly person that treats others cheaply. (For example:) “He was acting like such a rip-off-artist when I had to do everything for him for nothing in return.”” from the mind of Fire, a.k.a. Darkheart

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Coco Juniper's 50th Anniversarry is Friday! (Pleez Read Through This Thoroughly)

u heard me mention it b4- so ur probably wondering, what is the 50th Anniversarry? It is, my friend, a celebration of 50 great (hopefully, great anyway) blog posts here on! I hav planned a few fun things and some surprises that u can enjoy on the 50th anniverssary! and i want this 2 b great, but it can't b great unless i hav ur help. as u may hav noticed, not many people come 2 this blog, mainly because it's fairly new. so, i really want 2 ask u 2 pleez, pleez help me out and tell lotsa people about this blog. then, when i hav lots of ppl, there'll b lots more conversations going along in the comment boxes, more interviews or 'takeovers' with other ppl, more videos and games, etc. suggested 2 b put on this blog and more. so, if u could do that- that'd b great. :)

now it's time 2 get 2 another important (relevant) matter. u probably noticed, that unless u sign in w/ ur google or gmail account- u cannot comment posts. which is, yes, a bummer. i do this, because it's a safety procedure- used 4 protecting my blog from other spammy yucky stuff. now of course, u guys r not spammy or yucky so it's not fair that u shouldn't be able 2 comment. and 2 b honest, i really, really, really want comments! so aftr a while, since i haven't had comments in ages, i begin 2 feel a bit stupid- almost as if im talking 2 myself. and i dont' really know how 2 improve this blog 2 ur likings because u r unable 2 comment (well, most of u r). so this blog isn't nearly as good as it could b. so, what i am going 2 do is on the 50th anniversarry, i will take down the security for one day only! and u will be able 2 comment freely, as anonymous or named users. but, remember that it is HIGHLY suggested that u get a gmail account.
now, pleez, remember- it's okay 2 go wild w/ the comments. on the 50th anniverssary u will take the time 2 go 2 maybe ALL of the posts and giv TONS of feed-back. enough is nevr enough. do as many as u please! but b absolutely careful 2 use ur nicknames only and 2 speak appropriately. i do hope u know what that means. no swears, giving away personal information of u or others, bad talk (i don't need 2 define that- do i?!).


u should also know that the Coco Juniper ( 50th Anniversarry will b taking place FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 2008, probably very early in the morning. So b sure 2 b there- I'm counting on u, and bring ur friends and family too!

Jimmy, The Evil Chipmunk (A Spazztic Coundown to the 50th Anniversary!)

<- c that chipmunk right there? isn't he sooooooo cute? his name is Jimmy, and though he looks innocent enough, startling new evidence has come to light. Jimmy has...a double life! look below at all the crimes he has commited.

cute and cuddly- huh? Jimmy is VICIOUS! RAWR! ->

vicious or not- u hav 2 admit that Jimmy got STYLE. look-e here, i mean, just about how many motercycling chipmunks do u know? Only Jimmy, pplz.

But it gets worse then that. C Jimmy there- caught in the act of kidknapping a pokemon!

and finally- the most horrible of them all...ugh! i can't even put into words the terrible act he has commited in the last picture! c 4 urself...CREEPY ANIMATED CHIPMUNKS! aaaaaahhhh! :o
~~~im being spazztic, i know, but im only wasting time so i can finally host the upcoming supernatural cocojuniper 50th anniversary, celebrating my blog's 50th post! i hav already got a lot of cool (or at least i think is cool) stuff planned out. so join me then- and tell ALL ur friends and family about it. ALL of them. PLEEZ- it's 4 the blog!
chipmunk out! ;) -CJ

Quick Prank: Stamping the Victim's Butt

Want 2 do a quick prank? You'll need a few sticky-notes (post-its), a marker or other writing utensil, a chair, a victim, and a clever mind (well, maybe not clevr- more like wicked or cheeky). If all goes well, you would hav successfuly stamped the victim's butt.

Take the marker and write on the sticky-note, anything that u would find amusing or weird or crazy or random. i'd focus on the weird or the amusing bit though.

after you'd done that, u can take the sticky note and place it with the sticky side UP on the seat of a chair.

wait. if ur too impatient to do that, then u can speed up the process a bit. somehow convince the victim 2 sit in the seat. whatevr u can think of, may work.

hav the person sit on it. when they get up, stick your knuckle in your mouth to stop laffing- a bit of a giveaway. and- TADAH! u did it! (hopefully)

If u hav any ideas on what 2 put on the sticky-note or how 2 convince the person 2 sit on it, or any of your test-runs on this prank, PLEEZ POST A COMMENT!

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Friend, Ride (And My Counselor- Old Man)

TIP: Are you in the process of being forced to do something against ur will? here's a tip on how 2 weasel out of it. Simply look around the group of people ur in (if ur not in a group of people then too bad) and find the guy who is even more less willing 2 do what ur forced 2 do. then say: "I'll do this only if he/she does". Then, every1's attention will turn to the subject of ur sentance, and off of u. if all goes well, the terrified victim will not give into them, and neither 1 of u will hav 2 do this. this is very good at getting pressure off of u, if ur not so good at arguing.
For example: "I shall only eat these mushrooms if Bramble eats his".
" I shall only wear a dress if Lizic wears 1 too" (i like this 1!)

as u know, i wuz recently away. i went 2 a really cool place- but im not gonna advertise on that. at the place all the kids could do camps at their stay. They didn't hav 2, but its funner when they did. i wuz in a group called "Noch Squad" whatevr that means. i basically did a lot of cool adventure stuff in addition to swimming evry day and eating lunch. like high ropes, for example. high ropes is when u twirl around, walk around, bounce around, go upside-down, etc. 15-50 ft. in the air. that wuz fun, but takes a lot of nerve at points, even if u r on a harness and rope.
at one point there wuz a "leap of faith". it wuz basically a tree, with a platform about 50 feet in the air. aftr struggling 2 climb up the tree, u would step onto the platform and...jump off. now this wuz hard 4 some people bcause doing this wuz strictly against nature, against instinct, against you.
i didn't feel like doing this at first, but i eventually had little choice. this wuz because 1 of the girls in my group (my friend, who i will call Ride, because she always wore a thick, black, sweatshirt even on days when its 80 degrees out! anyway, her sweatshirt always said "ride".) really didn't want to go on the leap of faith, so using the strategy in the TIP above, she went "I'll only go if she comes too." and of course, she meant me.
so then when the camp counselor who's official name is Pete, but i shall call Old Man (as all the other campers called him) started persuading me 2 do it, the rest of Noch Squad kicked in. After a while, i wuz getting a headache from the noise so i decided to go. it wusn't easy, but i went. i felt rather good after doing it though, but i don't think i'll go on it again. X-P
then when Ride went on it, she chickened out b4 she even reached the platform- before she wuz even a half way up the tree. i didn't envy her though, Old Man gave her a tuff time aftr that because she had always seemed so confident and sure of herself in everything, b4 this. "What happened to the rough tough cream puff?" he asked. "You can't hang w/ the big dogs in the evening but sleep w/ the puppies in the morn." i thought that though, both of his statements made sense, it wuz still very weird. and Ride didn't change her mind.

howevr, i am in no position 2 call her coward. as when i took the 'catwalk' (a thin, slippery log 15 ft in the air that u hav 2 walk across) i chickened out as soon as i wuz up on it. i didn't giv Old Man any time 2 persuade me 2 take it though, because i jumped off b4 he got the chance. that's another good tip. if u chicken out mid-way, destroy ur chances of doing the terrible thing, so nobody can bug u after and try 2 make u do it ovr again.

don't get me wrong, i don't like cowards or chickens. but sometimes u hav 2 admit there's a certain line btwn "bravery" and "stupidity" that i am careful not to cross. so if i don't feel like doing something, then i don't do it (unless there's a real reason y i should). in the last case i did it for Ride. and, i don't regret it. the only thing i wish i did wuz push Ride in the pool, getting her back 4 not repaying what she owed me. o well. ;)

Man-Jokes, and Angry Weasels

i shall get 2 the man-joke and angry weasel part aftr this.

How 2 tell when a joke gets OLD. this is 1 of those life skills that every1 needs 2 know. it varies from person 2 person though.
wat i notice is that little kids (3-8 years old) can't really tell when a joke gets old. once, when my brother Lizic Juniper had a friend ovr, i told him (the friend) a joke. or it wasn't really a joke. In a deep husky voice i said "Come 2 the dark side" then in a sweet girly swoon i said "we hav cookies." anyway, 5 monthes ltr he came up 2 me and did the same exact joke. apparently he had been rambling on it for ages. well, it would b unfair to say it wuz the exact same joke, because he changed it a little. instead of "we hav cookies" it wuz "we hav comcast cable". but, doh, u can c where he got it from. and he continued 2 penetrate me with more, some varying to "we hav Ashley Tisdale" and "we hav super-giant man-eating pythons." anyway, he just couldn't get when a joke gets old. by the time he had finally given up on it (a half month after he shared his 'comcast cable' shoutout) my bros and i were sick of it. im completely honest. so don't try to tickle me with that joke. cuz i don't think its funny.
another thing that little kids don't get is wats funny. think of it this way, wat makes little kids laff is 1 (or a mixture) of all the things listed aftr. 1) people getting hurt 2) poo jokes (come on- u don't know these?!) 3) pranks (tied in w/ the 'people getting hurt' concept). now of course, pranks r still funny no mattr how old u get, but the thing is little kids don't know when they've gon too far...or when they haven't. it's pretty funny- but my brothers (especially Bramble, less of Lizic) think they're super bad. they act all macho and stuff, and yet their pranks r completely and totally harmless. when i had my friend Sunny ovr, his idea of a joke wuz tossing a rubber bounce ball in my room. not hard, not fiercely, not even touching me or Sunny. then he squealed like a little girl: "RUN!" and darted away. YAWN!
don't get me wrong- i don't WANT my brothers 2 get macho. i wasn't complaining- i wuz simply stating facts.
when kids get oldr of course their pranks get more mature. sly. devious. evil. well, sometimes.
some kids, when they get oldr, they DON'T get more mature, and their pranks stay virtually the same (maybe a few extra bonus's tagged in- but u get the idea). and this may nvr change 4 them, ltr in life. there's a word for this, u know- the people that don't get mature. it's: MEN.
oh, all right, that wuz sexist (maybe true, but sexist all the same). in some cases, some men can b smart, and some women...a rare few...aren't. but no mattr what gender, there's a word (yes, my word) for the jokes they tell.

man-joke: (MANN-joek) 1 a joke only a man could laff at. 2 a very very bad joke told by an adult.

oh yah, and the word "man-jokes", or "man-joke" is MY WORD and u can't hav it!
but, if ur gonna put it on ur blog or site, etc. then u'll hav 2 tell WHERE the word came from (ME!) if u don't, i shall set a angry weasel on u. i won't actually set an angry weasel on u. but i shall get u back- and it shall b bad. worse even. count on it! >.< u know i AM serious- right?!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Beijing Olympics

One of the most impressive and astounding preformances i hav evr seen wuz the opening 2 the Beijing 2008 Olympics. The show wuz not only near-impossible to act out, but it wuz very symbolic and it made u think. It also showed a peek into the Chinese culture, such as the Silk Road, and Confucionism.
I couldn't find anything on YouTube that even showed just a tiny bit of the opening, but i did find this 1 video that might help u c how very...very cool the Olympics r. so go w/ that. and if u can, go serf the TV channels 2 c if there's anything on it about that.
not 2 mention that i hope u go 2 the video bar and c wat's there

here's the address u can go 2:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Air Fresheners and Other Matters

okay, i admit, i do hav some weird tendacies, if u haven't figured so much from reading my past posts. and perhaps it's time 2 share another 1.
i can get a little carried away w/ air freshners, especially in a house like mine. unlike, perfumes, air freshners r good bcuz they don't smell like something died in a rose garden. of course, i hav a fairly sensitive nose, so 2 all of u who like the smell of death in flowers pleez ignore me, because i didn't mean any offense. anyway, i got pretty excited when i first uncovered this tiny can of air freshner in the cupboard sink. normally, my house doesn't stock up on these kind of things, so u could tell this wuz 1 of those supernatural phonomenons that apparently do happen every now and again. of course, it wuz old, like my parents probably bought it in the late eighties, but i wuz so happy 2 c it that it didn't make much of a difference. i went spazztic and before u know it, my entire house smells like air-freshner. i'm sorry, but i couldn't help it. my house did smell bad after all.
i am yet 2 find out how my family will react 2 this recent development.

enough about this! i hope i didn't bore u.
another thing u should probably know is that i am going away on a family vacation about the entire of this week, so...bye! this might b the last post u hear of me b4 i go away on vk, unless another burst of inspiration hits me.... but anyway- u can still hav lots of fun- the endangered animal and the quote of the day r 4evr changing so u can enjoy that. not 2 mention the new games of hangman and pacman r still there along w/ all that... i hope 2 b talking 2 u again soon (of course im not really talking 2 u since nobody's been commenting but, yeah...) so pleez stay tuned. ttyl! ;)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth

"ladies and gentlemen i giv u the center of the earth!"

yesterday i went 2 c "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in 3-D at the movie theaters. And it wuz AWESOME! :D
Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of those movies that is wa-a-a-a-a-ay more fun in 3-D. If ur gonna c the movie, ya HAV 2 c it in 3-D. And ur gonna hav 2 c the movie- it's that good!
2 b honest, it wasn't my idea 2 go c it. from the advertisements on TV, it looked kinda fake. but trust me- w/ those 3-D glasses on nothing looked fake! :D
and it wuz definetly thrilling. corny at times- but definetly thrilling ovrall! in addition, it also had plenty of laffs. if u hav seen the movie b4 then take the time 2 c the meaning in the next sentence. "Dibs".

the movie contained several references to the book "Journey to the Center of the Earth" but technically, it wasn't a remake of the novel. i can't tell u more then that, because i haven't read the book, but iv heard a lot of good things about it so my hopes r high!
i won't giv u the summary of the movie, just bcause that would ruin it so instead i giv u two snippits of the movie ovr at the video bar. pleez take ur time 2 answer the poll and tell me which of the two snippits u liked the best.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Platypus Tribute

This post is dedicated 2 my friend Sunny- and her love 4 platypus'.
Well, actually i don't know whether she still likes platypus' but whatevr.

Platypus' r cool. They're like this...thing that waddles about w/ a flattened beaver tail and what looks like a duck bill. and they r AWESOME! If u don't believe me then go watch "Perry the Platypus" at the Video Bar.
Perry is cool, especially since he's a platypus. and evn more so bcause he's a SECRET AGENT. weird, huh? He's from "Phineas and Ferb", two boys who just build crazy stuff, totally oblivious that their pet platypus is a secret agent. they also hav a very prying older sister, but that's not what we're talking about. is it evn legal that u can hav a platypus pet? how did a platypus bcome a secret agent? and what kind of names r "Phineas and Ferb"?! Iv nevr heard anything quite like it.

*FYI: Ferb, from Phineas and Ferb, NEVER TALKS! (usually, anyway)

Monday, August 11, 2008


Who is WALL-E? For all of u who haven't seen Disney Pixar's movie released this June, i recommend u go try it out. It's about a robot named WALL-E that is designed to clean up the earth while the humans live in outer space. After 700 years of non-stop clean up WALL-E has developed a little glitch- a personality.
Curious WALL-E meets a highly-advanced space robot and he is facenated by her. However, when Eva is taken back to the humans, WALL-E follows, and lands himself in a lot of trouble.
I've seen the movie, and i like it alot- but it's the kind of thing u can't fully understand unless u c it in ur own eyes. so i'll stop telling u about it.

I'm doing a terrible job of explaining this, so i'll stop now.
Anyway- i put up the trailer 2 the movie 4 all of u 2 kindof get a hold of. Tell me what ya think of it! :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Twilight Books & Stephenie Meyer

right now, im going 2 put out there another book that is really making a statement! Welcome 2 the wonderful world of TWILIGHT books.
One morning, Stephenie Meyer woke up with a vivid picture of a teenage vampire with an ordinary girl. The two of them were falling in love, but the vampire -anguished and torn- was fighting btwn the desire 4 the young lady's affection...and her blood. It was on that day that she started writing Twilight, lightly, but as time went by she found that she couldn't stop.
Meyer finished writing in three months, and soon had $750,000 and a three-book-deal, something u don't always c in the first-time author.
But, as Business Week explains, her success was not only based on her creativity and imagination, but it wuz also bcause she's an active weblogger. Meyer did interviews w/ bloggers, commented on fan-sites, and created her own more gentle website, feeling that the darkly gothic fan sites didn't fit her entirely. She interacted a lot w/ readers, and gav bubbly updates about her life and family, giving many pictures of her three sons. She also answered many (random) questions thrown at her by teens alike: "If Bella (ordinary girl) ever had a pet, would it b hard 4 Edward (vampire) 2 come around?"
Inspiring many w/ her interaction, Meyer's popularity grew. Eventually, she had 2 pull her email off her site, etc. but she hasn't stopped caring even if she is losing connection. I haven't read these books 4 myself, but am starting 2 do so just bcause the fantasy world of vampires x werewolves sounds really cool! i will try 2 keep u updated on that (w/ out giving away anything) and hopefully u guys can add 2 this and that.

*The last Stephenie Meyer novel just out has a print run of 3.2 million. WOW!*

**Information gathered from Business Week (pleez c sidebar)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Junk Collages, Nude Barbies, and Bazookas

My day so far had been rather eventful. I did a art project...well, at least i hope it wuz art. basically i took mounds and mounds of junk (buttons, legos, candy wrappers, beads, bits of fabric, old locks, etc., etc., etc.) and made a collage...kindof. well, it wuz fun even if it does resemble something my cat hacked up. -.-'
i also babysat my bros- Bramble and Lizic Juniper- which was's the word i'm looking for...? I'll get back 2 u on that. Like me, Lizic created a junk collage, but Bramble decided that he'd prefer 2 do a bazooka gun. -.-' As if my brother wuzn't dangerous enough w/out a weapon! Well, the good news is that the bazooka project hasn't worked out. Bad news: i had 2 watch him play with Barbies for 2+ hours straight. Worser news: THE BARBIES WERE NAKED! i couldn't persuade him to put some clothes on the poor things.
How should i conclude this? Well- the art project wuz cool, the barbie business both frightens, facenates, and amuses me all at once, and the bazooka is still awaiting it's comeback. My mom doesn't seem at all worried about my brother's bazooka plans. She says it's creative.

-.-' And, yeah, that wuz my day. No lie.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Warrior Cats- The Great Journey

i think i gave a little introduction about Warrior Cats a while ago, but in lesser detail. Now, however, i want to focus on the 2nd series of Erin Hunter's Warriors.
Put it this way: the home of cats in the forest is being torn down by humans so they can make a new high-way. "they r all down in a big pit of doo-doo" my brother Lizic Juniper clarifies. But, there is hope. the ancestors of the cats, all up in StarClan (like a kitty-heaven) hav picked 4 cats to travel 2 the "sun-drown-place" on a Great Journey. They all picked 1 cat from each of the 4 clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan), plus a few extras tagged along. Here they r:

Brambleclaw: (chosen cat from ThunderClan) he is the leader, brave, and decisive. Unfortunately for him, he is yet to live down the remaining memory of Tigerstar (deceased murderer) who just happens to b his father.
Stormfur: (brother of the chosen cat from RiverClan) he is the thinker, sensible, and alert. He tagged along, to make sure his sister- Feathertail- would b safe.
Feathertail: (chosen cat from RiverClan) she is the peace, gentle, and forgiving. She is, like her brother, a half-clan cat (her mother was RiverClan but her father was ThunderClan), which may b y she encouraged harmony btwn all the cats though they didn't all get along at first.
Tawnypelt: (chosen cat from ShadowClan) she is the guts, fierce, and bold. Sister of Brambleclaw, she could not liv down the burden of her father so she left ThunderClan 4 ShadowClan as 2 b accepted 4 who she was.
Crowpaw: (chosen cat from WindClan) he is the diplomat, prickly, and proud. Since he is the only chosen cat that is not a warrior, but is rather still an apprentice, he always makes an effort to argue. He may b the most misunderstood cat in the group because he, unlike the others, does not hav any kin or friends w/ him on the Great Journey.
Squirrelpaw: (annoying furball tagging along from ThunderClan) she is the energy, fiesty, and eager. She was not chosen to come along, but forced Brambleclaw 2 take her. Somehow she tends to manage 2 get the group into trouble.

if u want 2 know about the cats, then i suppose it's only necessary that u learn about their vocabulary too. they have many different words 4 different meanings, but i only had time for a few.

sun-drown-place: ocean
leaf-bare: winter
stupid fur-ball: an insult, usually used for friendly teasing.
mouse-dung: a greater insult then 'stupid fur-ball'.
fox dung: the worst insult you can give to a cat, often considered a "warriors swear"

any questions, comments, etc? post a comment pplz! i luv feed-back! i'll try and c if i can find a warrior cat video to explain this in more detail, but until then, byez!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Annoying Your Brothers 101!

Try these on your brother/siblings- it's a KO (well, kinda)!

1) Go up to your brother. Look very serious. Say: "I know this will break your heart, but you can't go on not knowing." Take a big breath. Speak very clearly and slowly. "Your pants are not on fire."
*Alternate: Run up 2 brother. "Your pants are not on fire!" Run away.

2) Somehow convince bro that you have been researching palm readings and that you've discovered that you can do readings on the sole of your shoe. Take the shoe, rub it thoughtfully, and look very serious. after a while, turn to your brother and say: "From what i can read on your will be going on a trip. very soon." then throw the shoe as far as you can and run away cackling madly.
Apologize later though. Say u can make it up to him by doing a real palm reading, on socks. This should scare the dude.
Ya, it's immature! :P

3) Bring him shopping (the torture to him!)

4) Get the "overreactor" disease and offer to spend the day with him! (The overreactor disease is when you totally overreact on EVERYTHING he says, and u spend ur entire time sucking up 2 him. For example:

Bro: I like gum.
You: (talk really fast) OMG! So do i! isn't gum like so-o-o good? It has soo many yummy flavors, like it can b fruity and minty and cinnamon and original and more! and you can chew it and chew it and chew it and don't we have so-o-o much in common. You like gum- I LIKE GUM! this is like soooo a coincidence!
Bro: Okay, can you not do that?!
You: (talk really fast) I kno-ow isn't that annoying? i was going to tell that to myself, because you know- i really had it coming! wouldn't the world be like so-o much bttr off without ppl doing this? i mean, hello, what r they thinking? isn't that so right? your right! i know we're right!
Bro: UGH!)

5) sing Caramelldansen from the video bar!


Yah, this is random, but 2 b honest- im running outta ideas of what 2 put on blog posts nowadays! that's where i need your help- if u hav any great ideas then pleez consider writing something under YouSpace or whatever. I know, i enabled it so that only ppl with Google and Gmail accounts can comment, and im sorry. it's just a safty procaution 2 stop from ending up w/ buckets of spam!
back 2 what i wuz saying- this is random. enjoy.

u know those times when some1 has their fly or pant zipper down, and ur trying 2 tell them that, but they don't get it? that's what happened 2 me. i wuz trying 2 break it easy so it wouldn't b embarrasing, but that didn't happen. observe:

Me: Oh, hey- your barn door's open!
Zipper Victim: barn door?
Me: no- i mean...your trapdoor collapsed!
ZV: (makes face) what?
Me: uh... (thinking desperately) XYZ!
Me: (confuzzled) what?
ZV: it's know...alphabet?
Me: (blink...blink...)
ZV: never mind.
Me: uh...your fly...
ZV: oh. (sees unzipped fly) (looks embarrased) right. (walks off quickly)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Camping Tips & Rumors

Since i hav been away camping this past week, i think i owe it 2 u all 2 giv u lots of thorough camping tips. i hav been looking around and hearing lots of rumors about camping so i also think i owe it 2 u 2 giv my all on those rumors. anyway, pleez enjoy.

Q: R bugs there really bad?
A: Yes. But, if u want 2 help control them, then b sure 2 use Bug Spray. Also, they r attracted 2 bright clothing so try not do wear mind-boggling yellow on a camping trip if u can help it.

Q: I heard that bugs r attracted 2 pretty scents like shampoos and soaps used on yourself. Should i not shower anymore?
A: NO! Still shower! if u don't shower on a camping trip then you're GROSS!

A: Girl, what HAV u been doing? Well, first off, go get an adult. If u can't do that, then inspect the wound. If it's like it almost an oval shape with two layers of teeth, then it's probably not poisonous. If you can see the two fang marks in the wound, and there's only 1 layer of teeth then odds r that it IS poisonous. Just stay calm, go get help, and whatever u do- DON'T do the old "sucking out the poison ont he wound and spitting it out" thing that u c in movies. That doesn't work.

Q: Every1 tells me i should go everywhere w/ a buddy, and i'm sick of it! it's getting 2 b a pain!
A: too bad. still do it.

Q: I'm lost in the woods all alone!
A: stay calm and don't go anywhere. Unless they're morons, the rest of the group or some1 will realize ur gone and come searching 4 u. just stay where u r and hum some campfire songs 2 pass time.

A: flee 2 the nearest toilet and pretend 2 b sick.

Q: Seriously?
A: No, of course not! that wuz a joke.

Q: Oh. Then what do i do?
A: there ain't nothing u can do. it's 1 of life's tragedies. live with it.

there r way more camping tips i could giv, but im not. too bad. im lazy. get ovr it. so, instead, go occupy urself w/ a ham and cheese sandwich or something. bye.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Black Socks and Other Nonsense

"Bla-a-ack socks, they never get dirty!
The longer you were 'em, the stronger they get!
So-o-ometimes, i think i should wash 'em
but somethin' inside me is sayin' 'not yet, not yet, not yet'"

That is just a small taste about the kind of campfire songs i sang at my camp that i departed 2. not only is it kinda fun 2 sing, it haz a good moral: stay away from ppl w/ black socks (especially if they're singing the song above). Odds r, that they hav stinky feet!
Nah, im only kidding. If some1 haz black socks then that doesn't mean that they automatically hav stinky feet. In fact, it's hard 2 tell if some1 smells bcuz of their socks. Usually ppl wearing shirts like "i don't shower" or something r the 1s u should look out 4. Then again, nobody really makes 'i don't shower' shirts anymore (not that that's a huge surprise! they must hav run outta business if they did.)
im babbling nonsense. i had hoped that after a week of fresh air, i would hav been able 2 stun u all w/ some incredible writing. i guess the incredible part will hav 2 come ltr. i hope i didn't disappoint u. ughhh.....

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  • Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!
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  • SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...
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  • Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of my blo...
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