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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, August 29, 2008

What to do When Someone You Know Has BO

At some point in life, u will b hanging out w/ some ppl who smell. maybe they don't hav enough money for deodorant, or perhaps they 4got to shower...maybe they just naturally stink or perhaps they're a hillbillie. whatevr, it is, i can imagine it's distincty unpleasant. as an experianced proffesional i advise u take the suggestions below (provided from 211 Things A Clever Girl Can Do, by Bunty Cutler) to stop the stink from poisoning ur sense of smell. The regular print btwn the quotation marks is directly from the book, the ones in italics outside the marks r my own personal help.

1) "The occasional comment to the room in general: 'What is that curious scent, ladies?" Go up to her- 'ewwwww, do u smell something- or is it just YOU! ' u know i wuz just kidding about that right? RIGHT?!
2) "Open a window near her." that may work...maybe...
3) "Leave deodorant...near her desk or bag." she'll probably b bewildered and wonder where on earth it came from, but it's worth a shot...maybe...
4) "Buy strongly scented flowers and put them near her desk." doensn't sound so inconspicuous to me!
5) "Offer the occasional squirt of air freshner or perfume in her direction and ask if she likes the fragrance". that could work...but what happens when u run outta perfume? X.X
6) "Ping her an anonymous email." i don't know about u, but i'd b pretty freaked out if some anonymous person that i don't know just sends me a random letter on BO!
7) "If all else fails, then now is time to find out what you are made of. Tell your colleague in private that you've noticed there may b problems with her personal hygiene- be kind because BO can be the sign of underlying problems, medical and emotional."no comment
8) "If you have no luck, it's time to get your own back. Leave a bag of sardines in her desk drawer. If this has no effectl drag her outside, take the fire extinguisher off the wall, and hose her down. Even if it doesn't work, you'll feel better." oh, yah! this is what i'm talking about (just kidding)!


Wickedly Jess said...

nice. Whats up with Sky the Weasle?

Coco Juniper said...

i thought he'd b cool. he's protecting the blog, lol.

no seriously- he's protecting the blog.

Sweettropic said...

ha, ha, ha! ;)

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