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"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Monday, August 25, 2008

Man-Jokes, and Angry Weasels

i shall get 2 the man-joke and angry weasel part aftr this.

How 2 tell when a joke gets OLD. this is 1 of those life skills that every1 needs 2 know. it varies from person 2 person though.
wat i notice is that little kids (3-8 years old) can't really tell when a joke gets old. once, when my brother Lizic Juniper had a friend ovr, i told him (the friend) a joke. or it wasn't really a joke. In a deep husky voice i said "Come 2 the dark side" then in a sweet girly swoon i said "we hav cookies." anyway, 5 monthes ltr he came up 2 me and did the same exact joke. apparently he had been rambling on it for ages. well, it would b unfair to say it wuz the exact same joke, because he changed it a little. instead of "we hav cookies" it wuz "we hav comcast cable". but, doh, u can c where he got it from. and he continued 2 penetrate me with more, some varying to "we hav Ashley Tisdale" and "we hav super-giant man-eating pythons." anyway, he just couldn't get when a joke gets old. by the time he had finally given up on it (a half month after he shared his 'comcast cable' shoutout) my bros and i were sick of it. im completely honest. so don't try to tickle me with that joke. cuz i don't think its funny.
another thing that little kids don't get is wats funny. think of it this way, wat makes little kids laff is 1 (or a mixture) of all the things listed aftr. 1) people getting hurt 2) poo jokes (come on- u don't know these?!) 3) pranks (tied in w/ the 'people getting hurt' concept). now of course, pranks r still funny no mattr how old u get, but the thing is little kids don't know when they've gon too far...or when they haven't. it's pretty funny- but my brothers (especially Bramble, less of Lizic) think they're super bad. they act all macho and stuff, and yet their pranks r completely and totally harmless. when i had my friend Sunny ovr, his idea of a joke wuz tossing a rubber bounce ball in my room. not hard, not fiercely, not even touching me or Sunny. then he squealed like a little girl: "RUN!" and darted away. YAWN!
don't get me wrong- i don't WANT my brothers 2 get macho. i wasn't complaining- i wuz simply stating facts.
when kids get oldr of course their pranks get more mature. sly. devious. evil. well, sometimes.
some kids, when they get oldr, they DON'T get more mature, and their pranks stay virtually the same (maybe a few extra bonus's tagged in- but u get the idea). and this may nvr change 4 them, ltr in life. there's a word for this, u know- the people that don't get mature. it's: MEN.
oh, all right, that wuz sexist (maybe true, but sexist all the same). in some cases, some men can b smart, and some women...a rare few...aren't. but no mattr what gender, there's a word (yes, my word) for the jokes they tell.

man-joke: (MANN-joek) 1 a joke only a man could laff at. 2 a very very bad joke told by an adult.

oh yah, and the word "man-jokes", or "man-joke" is MY WORD and u can't hav it!
but, if ur gonna put it on ur blog or site, etc. then u'll hav 2 tell WHERE the word came from (ME!) if u don't, i shall set a angry weasel on u. i won't actually set an angry weasel on u. but i shall get u back- and it shall b bad. worse even. count on it! >.< u know i AM serious- right?!


Coco Juniper said...

and 2 any1 who is offended 2 that sexist post, im sorry. but if u don't believe me- it is true. it has been scientifically proved that male and female people laff at different things. men usually laff at simple things like people getting hurt (this is a big one) and gross stuff. Females laff at stuff that reminds them of other stuff, that they can make connections to.

this is all FYI.

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