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-Olive, Giggling Livie

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Warrior Cats- The Great Journey

i think i gave a little introduction about Warrior Cats a while ago, but in lesser detail. Now, however, i want to focus on the 2nd series of Erin Hunter's Warriors.
Put it this way: the home of cats in the forest is being torn down by humans so they can make a new high-way. "they r all down in a big pit of doo-doo" my brother Lizic Juniper clarifies. But, there is hope. the ancestors of the cats, all up in StarClan (like a kitty-heaven) hav picked 4 cats to travel 2 the "sun-drown-place" on a Great Journey. They all picked 1 cat from each of the 4 clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan), plus a few extras tagged along. Here they r:

Brambleclaw: (chosen cat from ThunderClan) he is the leader, brave, and decisive. Unfortunately for him, he is yet to live down the remaining memory of Tigerstar (deceased murderer) who just happens to b his father.
Stormfur: (brother of the chosen cat from RiverClan) he is the thinker, sensible, and alert. He tagged along, to make sure his sister- Feathertail- would b safe.
Feathertail: (chosen cat from RiverClan) she is the peace, gentle, and forgiving. She is, like her brother, a half-clan cat (her mother was RiverClan but her father was ThunderClan), which may b y she encouraged harmony btwn all the cats though they didn't all get along at first.
Tawnypelt: (chosen cat from ShadowClan) she is the guts, fierce, and bold. Sister of Brambleclaw, she could not liv down the burden of her father so she left ThunderClan 4 ShadowClan as 2 b accepted 4 who she was.
Crowpaw: (chosen cat from WindClan) he is the diplomat, prickly, and proud. Since he is the only chosen cat that is not a warrior, but is rather still an apprentice, he always makes an effort to argue. He may b the most misunderstood cat in the group because he, unlike the others, does not hav any kin or friends w/ him on the Great Journey.
Squirrelpaw: (annoying furball tagging along from ThunderClan) she is the energy, fiesty, and eager. She was not chosen to come along, but forced Brambleclaw 2 take her. Somehow she tends to manage 2 get the group into trouble.

if u want 2 know about the cats, then i suppose it's only necessary that u learn about their vocabulary too. they have many different words 4 different meanings, but i only had time for a few.

sun-drown-place: ocean
leaf-bare: winter
stupid fur-ball: an insult, usually used for friendly teasing.
mouse-dung: a greater insult then 'stupid fur-ball'.
fox dung: the worst insult you can give to a cat, often considered a "warriors swear"

any questions, comments, etc? post a comment pplz! i luv feed-back! i'll try and c if i can find a warrior cat video to explain this in more detail, but until then, byez!


Coco Juniper said...

if a cat ends in the word "kit" then they r a kit or kitten (under 6 moons/months old). example:

if a cat ends in the word "paw" then they r an apprentice (ovr 6 moons/months but not experianced enough 2 b a warrior)

if they end in the word wing, storm, fur, pelt, feather, claw, flight, heart, etc., etc., ect. then they r either a warrior, a medicine cat, or a deputy.

if they end in the word "star" then they r a Clan-leader.

still confused? post a comment!

Coco Juniper said...

medicine cat: a cat doctor, trained to heal her/his clan and interperit signs or messages from their ancestors in StarClan

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