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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Coco Juniper's 50th Anniversarry is Friday! (Pleez Read Through This Thoroughly)

u heard me mention it b4- so ur probably wondering, what is the 50th Anniversarry? It is, my friend, a celebration of 50 great (hopefully, great anyway) blog posts here on! I hav planned a few fun things and some surprises that u can enjoy on the 50th anniverssary! and i want this 2 b great, but it can't b great unless i hav ur help. as u may hav noticed, not many people come 2 this blog, mainly because it's fairly new. so, i really want 2 ask u 2 pleez, pleez help me out and tell lotsa people about this blog. then, when i hav lots of ppl, there'll b lots more conversations going along in the comment boxes, more interviews or 'takeovers' with other ppl, more videos and games, etc. suggested 2 b put on this blog and more. so, if u could do that- that'd b great. :)

now it's time 2 get 2 another important (relevant) matter. u probably noticed, that unless u sign in w/ ur google or gmail account- u cannot comment posts. which is, yes, a bummer. i do this, because it's a safety procedure- used 4 protecting my blog from other spammy yucky stuff. now of course, u guys r not spammy or yucky so it's not fair that u shouldn't be able 2 comment. and 2 b honest, i really, really, really want comments! so aftr a while, since i haven't had comments in ages, i begin 2 feel a bit stupid- almost as if im talking 2 myself. and i dont' really know how 2 improve this blog 2 ur likings because u r unable 2 comment (well, most of u r). so this blog isn't nearly as good as it could b. so, what i am going 2 do is on the 50th anniversarry, i will take down the security for one day only! and u will be able 2 comment freely, as anonymous or named users. but, remember that it is HIGHLY suggested that u get a gmail account.
now, pleez, remember- it's okay 2 go wild w/ the comments. on the 50th anniverssary u will take the time 2 go 2 maybe ALL of the posts and giv TONS of feed-back. enough is nevr enough. do as many as u please! but b absolutely careful 2 use ur nicknames only and 2 speak appropriately. i do hope u know what that means. no swears, giving away personal information of u or others, bad talk (i don't need 2 define that- do i?!).


u should also know that the Coco Juniper ( 50th Anniversarry will b taking place FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 2008, probably very early in the morning. So b sure 2 b there- I'm counting on u, and bring ur friends and family too!


Coco Juniper said...

anyone know how ta spell anniversarry or anniverrasy or aniversarry or aniverrasy or UGH!

Lycoris said...

I don't know how, but i would like to say some thing about the video "Journey to the Center of the earth #1". The part with the phone, the ringtone, and the rain, makes it almost exactly like Jurasic Park 3.
So I think that thats kind of cheep. If not for the boat, and phone type, along with the people then it could me mistaken for Jurasic Park.

Coco Juniper said...

i nvr realized that...yeah i suppose that's right. ...

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My Blog List

  • I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch who a...
    12 years ago
  • Cake Wrecks has moved! You are being redirected to the new site! If the redirect doesn't work, please go to either or cakewrecks.squarespac...
    13 years ago
  • Pineapples are my new weakness. LOL inside joke!!
    14 years ago
  • SOOOOO i havent posted in forever butttt i have strep so i thought i would just say hey ho say hey ho heeheheee i might post about halloween or writers con...
    15 years ago
  • Um...please don't hate me but I just kinda 4got about my blog...heheee, i even had trouble accessing my blog bcuz well c, I kinda 4got the *name *of my blo...
    15 years ago
  • This is Sad Charlie. Sad Charlie is sad because he hasn't been getting very many face/replaced pictures recently and has nothing good to post on the websit...
    15 years ago
  • I Love the Veronicas...yeh bizarrio huh? i'm listening 2 'Untouched' i luv those twins from Austrilia, right, or was it England? Haha, The Suite Life reall...
    16 years ago

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