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"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, August 29, 2008

Twilight Book Update!

The Twilight Book Series is an incredible collection by Stephanie Meyer! Let's c what one fan thinks of this outrageous new book, a mixture of action, horror, romance, but mostly VAMPIRE. It is described as "a love story with bite." And that's true! But don't take my word 4 it (iv only read the first book so far!)- take Pebbles! i'm sure you're all familiar w/ her from the Pebble's Takeover, and now she is going 2 giv us a word on the books.

What did you like the best in Twilight?
Bella nagging Edward to make her a vampire.

How could the book be improved?
More time in La Push, learning about vampires.

Who is your favorite character in Twilight and why?
Bella, Jacob, Alice. Bella because she is SUCH A KLUTZ! Jacob 'cause...well, you'll find out in Book 2. Alice because she's so spunky. Who wouldn't love her?

What would you rate the Twilight Series out of 5 stars?
Twilight: Infinity Stars
New Moon: 2-5 billion
Eclipse: Infinity
Breaking Dawn: Infinity and 1 billion.


Sweettropic said...

Twlight-all the stars in the galaxy
New Moon-um... 2 b honest, i didn't like this one
Eclipse-this one's like okay, so two point three billion stars
Breaking Dawn-i can give this book all the stars in this unvierse, and it still wouldn't be enough

Coco Juniper said...

awesome! i didn't know u read the books. if u like u can fill out ur own interview.

Lycoris said...

I've only read the first in the series, but I would give it negitive infinity stars. I only read it because I heard it was a good read, and it really wasn't.

If anyone backtalks me about my opinion then I will hunt you down and kill you in a gruesome way...
You have my word on that.

Coco Juniper said...

wat didn't u like about it, Darkheart? *curious here* tell u wat, i'll giv u an interview on it- and u can choose 2 answer it- or not.

1) what was the best part of the book, or was it all equal?
2) what didn't u really like about it?
3)giv a word or a phrase that u can summarize the whole 1st book in.


1) what wuz the best part of the series (try 2 b careful not 2 giv 2 much away)?
2) what didn't u like about it- or what could b improved?
3) who wuz ur favorite character in the series and y?
4) giv a word or a phrase 2 describe it ovrall.

Sweettropic said...

hey!! i just came to anwser ur questions!
1. my fav part in the seies is hmm... is in twlight, when bella first met jacob and is lke makn' him tell her about the vampires, she wuz so funny!
2.bella is such a whiner in new moon... but i thought is wuz freaky when she like cut her finger then fell over, and cut her whole arm and edward's whole family lke staring at her, i totally thought they would eat her... alice! she is SO energetic, and spunky. i absoulty adore, her, i hate roselie she's such a stuck up prat., only a word? okay, IT'S THE BEST BOOK WRITTEN ABOUT TEENAGE VIAMPIRE ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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