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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Friday, March 20, 2009


I went to see the Wizard of Oz that was being performed by my school. And, it was actually pretty good.

I had little hopes for it in the first place, because of the "preview" that we watched today at last period. The hysterically giggling, tripping over eachother's Ugg boots, girls didn't look very proffesional.

But the play was quite good, actually.

And musical...yes...very musical.

Other than that, my day was alright. I mean, it's 10:28 and I can't remember it as nicely as I would have liked maybe. In chorus, the band teacher was late, so the Chorus teacher had to keep them with us as we practiced and warmed up. Kinda humiliating. Doing lip-trills while they all roared their heads off....yeah I bet they must have liked it....*eye twitch*. And then they "jokingly" sang with us, except grossly exaggerating it and singing completely and entirely off pitch.

How dare they mock us....~.^ *eye twitch* ~.^
What? You think this is funny? >@.@<

I don't know how to do an especially angry emicon face. >:( doesn't seem to cut it here.

Other than that we had 20 minute classes, as my team tried to fit 4 academics into two periods. Euuurgh. Math was....Math. In L.A., my teacher depicted me as "too quiet" which i think is grossly unreasonable. I mean, I don't complain (a lot) when he forces me to go and read my poem/essay/whatever in front of the class. I don't complain (frequently) when he makes me read boring poems by some unknown elderely author he thinks is "cool" to everyone. Okay, so I don't "leap" out of my seat when he says "Random essay due Tuesday!" (and what is this "leap" anyway? Do regular LA students "leap" for joy? Am I not "leapy" enough for him? What is this?")

Where was I? Social studies...I don't even remember, probably nothing interesting.


I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.


aww, shoot, i forgot.


M said...

wow, soph, u really WERE bored... hahahahahahahahahahahaha, u r a laugh! why do u post stuff like this? IDK, so that is OK with me!!!! ummmmmmm...... OH YEAH!! I have an important question to ask you on friday @ the dance! but wait... oh, dang... I FORGOT THE FRICKEN QUESTION ALREADY! (Duuuuddddeeeee.... i've got serious memory probs, yo...)

Question of the Week: Do you agree with my opinions?:

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