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"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pop Quiz: Answer Key

Not so much of an answer key, just my personal preference. Oh, btw, if you haven't done or read the Pop Quiz or the post before this one, just skip right to that. And do it. And post about it on your blog (if you hav one.) and then comment.

So. Here's my answers. I hope none offend you, any questions put in the comments.

1) If you had a jet, what color would you paint it? Probably blue with white, so it'd blend right into the sky....

2) Song that made you cry: Ohhh, i've got lots, but I can't really think of any at the moment. Uhhhhhh Fray. How to save a life. It wasn't sad the first time I heard it, but when I really thought about it...

3) Worst birthday ever: I dunno.

4) Been cheated? What is this "cheating?" Romantically, not really. Otherwise, yes. It's pretty funny. Whenever I'm playing a game or something, everyone think's it's okay to cheat in front of me because I won't notice or care. But then, I get them back. }:-) And, it's otherwise all okay.

5) If turned out to be the opposite gender you are, what would your name have been? Daniel

6) What would you have liked it to be? Tom, maybe. And I used to like the name 'Edward' before Twilight came out and everyone started to obsess. Urhh, Tyler. Terrence. Weird, I seem to like boy's names that start with "T".

7) Does the world revolve around money? In the average person's life? Absolutely. You can say "love" all you want, but if it wasn't for money, we'd all be cavemen. And a lot of the stuff people love, is material.

8) Kindest thing you have ever heard: I don't know, probably something from a movie. Like at the end, in their dying moment, while their loved one is standing over them, they say something almost poetic, It's so unreal and planned out. If I were dying, I'd be more like "IT FLIPPIN HURTS".

9) Meanest thing you have ever heard: i don't know, probably also from a movie :]

10) Wish you could go back and relive the day when: I don't really know. When I was like 3 and my whole world was blissfull and happy and carefree..............................

11) Superpower I would do anything for: To be able to freeze time. Awww, man I've wanted that all my life. And then when, time is still frozen, you can walk around and move stuff. Or take a nap. Or just, like, savor the moment. Ohhhhhh. *stares off into horizon*

12) My biggest strength: Thinking. Big time. Which, i suppose, isn't a talent itself, but their is so many good things that come from being able to think well. Like writing skills, maybe running, or whatever.........

13) Cell phone? Yes

14) If so, what kind? Verizon. *too lazy to check* It's like a motorola i believe. The kind that flips up. It's so hardcore, too. You can slam it down on concrete as much as you like, and it won't even get a scratch, I LOVE IT. People say "Oh that's a really bad version, it can't take videos and it's not too high-tech..." I DON'T CARE. I love it. It looks good too. It's all shiny and stuff....

15) Dream gadget: A machine that can freeze time (like i said before). Or can make me invisible. Or, in all those spy movies, there's liek this gun thing that shoots ropes and yeahhhh.

16) How you wish to die: Sheesh, I dunno. With a bang maybe. Like, falling asleep, doesn't seem like TOO big a deal (course I love sleeping, so go figure.) Maybe with like a bang. But not too much of a bang. I don't want to go in blood and sweat and in agony. Maybe like a sacrifice? For maybe the world, or someone i love?

17) Believe in true love? Yeah, but not in the way everyone else does. Like....You can fall in love multiple times, but i guess the "true" love is the one that sticks with you and means something?

18) Worst injury you ever had? I've actually not had many accidents. Like a really really grazed elbow maybe?

19) You feel lonely when: there's something to be lonely about.

20) Been on TV? Not significantly, no.

21) Wish to be on TV? Sure! For something important and great mind you, not for like FBI's most wanted. Like maybe I win an award for best blogger, or just overall ^_^

22) As a kid, you were known for: being mellow. I wasn't the kind of kid who freaked out. You could stick a snake or a bug or something in my face and I'd hardly react, you know, apart from "what are you doing?" And I rarely got in fights.

23) How often do you feel regretful? I could, often, but I'm kindof optimistic, so I make myself look to the future and not the past. I get over stuff, pretty well.

24) Peanutbutter or IceCream? ICE CREAM.

25) Little petty thing that annoys you: When a girl (or a guy...but mostly a girl) complains about something she doesn't have, when really she has it all. (??) So, like if a skinny girl complained on and on and on about how she was fat, just to get attention from all of her friends, or to get people to keep saying "you're skinny, you're skinny!" to make her feel good about herself.

26) Biggest childhood fear: heights, I guess. It wasn't too big of a deal. I could look out airplane windows, or over bridges, whichever, but I guess it's those adventure courses when you like have to jump off stuff that got to me.

27) Someday want to marry? Yeah, It'd get lonely. Or maybe I could just get a dog... no, i think i'd like to marry.

28) Cried in a movie theater? I got a little teary-eyed.

29) What movie was it? Bridge to Terribithia, I believe. It was because I didn't know the ending so it was kindof a shock. And I bet there's other movies too.

30) Lose your temper often? Phhh, not really. I get annoyed frequently, but i don't lose my temper. And it's usually over something petty. And i calm down quickly.

31) Something that everyone is very careful not to mention in front of you: mean stuff about me, probably.

33) Been called stuck-up? not that i know of....

34) For good reason? well, i don't KNOW.

35) Been called a bad influence? nooooo

36) Life is a box of chocolates because: everything comes in variety. Or, no matter what's on the outside, it's the caramel center that counts. Gawsh, Ive got a ton of these.

37) Top thing you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend: trustfulness, I guess

38) Would have no choice but to dump someone if: If they're not trustful.

39) This has happened? No.

40) What you'd say when telling someone you're dumping them: We're through.

41) Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Optomistic.

44) Like videogames? Yeah.

45) How much time do you spend on the computer each day? Too much :-/

46) Be interested to hear that someone is dating you sibling? Very much!

47) Would look into it? Oh yessssss

48) Star Wars or Harry Potter? Tough. I can't choose.

49) Are you a fast runner? ppl say that, but I don't know if it's so true.

50) Unusual talent you have: Well, I blog don't I...and uh....jeez, i don't know if i hav one :( not one that's not very common.

51) This would be useful in a situation when: Are you mocking me?

52) Which are you more: clumsy or forgetful? Clumsy. My mind works a little funny. I can remember some stuff, but not others. I can look over a sheet of countries + capitals the night before the quiz and get an A. And yet, I have this huge glitch. My mind cannot take just lines of rules. It took me WAY too long to get my multiplication tables in elementry school, and I've been doing piano for over 5 years, and I still don't know all the note names. :( I think my piano teacher's mad......but i just can't help it.

53) Which is better? it's better to be clumsy, than forgetful. That's my say.

54) If you had to get a tattoo, what image/phrase would it have? MUM. ;) Or maybe it'd just be a geometrical pattern. Or i could get it to make it look like I have fish scales.

55) Where would you put your tattoo? idk. Somewhere discreet. Like on my ankle, or my shoulder.

56) Song that best describes your personality: a song that i wrote...except i can't write, that would mean I'm unwritten. (and NO i do not mean the "unwritten" song that's by Natasha Bedingfield). Siiiigh.

57) How often do you get lost? A bit, when I was little. Like Macy's departments stores. Nothing big.

58) You often get stereotyped as: tall. :-/ well, that's mediocre. I wish ppl would actually spend the time to stereotype me better. I guess, if you looked more into my friend group, you would hear a few "creatives" and "smarts", but I dunno.

59) What would you like to be stereotyped as? Someone who knows exactly what she's talking about. (i don't think that's going to happen... :( )

60) All you'll ever need: food, water, a place to stay.


No, I'm actually not that shallow!!! Love, i think would be a good answer, cheesy as it is. Because...what else do you live for? Yourself? But what is yourself if you is what you live for? *gawsh that's confusing* I guess if you look at it...scientifically, the human race is designed to...expand. to create more people. So, that would mean, you wouldn't be alone from your kind.

Bah, I'm getting off-topic. But my answer is love.

61) "Love is all we need." Do you agree? Look up.

62) It hurts you to say: something I don't believe in. My beliefs are all i have. Losing me would, it hurts to think

63) Annoying habit you have: idk. I know i have lots though.

64) Are you confident in yourself? Enough so.

65) Would do anything to get your hands on a: drumstick. Gawsh, I'm just sooooo hungry at the moment. Actualy, I think I got a coupon for KFC in the mail, but mum doesn't want to eat fried stuff for dinner tonight.

66) Go up and get a snack.

What snack was it? An imaginary drumstick. HOWLING HUNGRY AT THE MOMENT.

67) Listen to music too loud? I used to listen to music super super softly. But, now, I listen to it a little loud. Maybe i'm getting old. :-/

68) Do you shop at Hollister? No... Never. Sorry to any Hollister lovers. It's just my personal preference.

69) Abercrombie? Definetely not.

70) American Eagle? Generally, no. But I do have an american eagle sweatshirt.

72) You love to wear: whatever I want. skinny jeans perhaps, mini-skirt with black leggings...funky tee, whatever I feel like.....and is warm. I don't like the cold.

73) If you had an opportunity to move anywhere around the world, would you take it? I think i would...and if I have a jet (see question 1) than, I can just fly back whenever I want to see my friends and family and such. So, everyone's happy.

74) If so, where would it be? Somewhere foreign. Once I've got my french tightened up, France would be great. Germany too, if I knew german. California, I hear is beautiful, but the last time I went there I was 3. So it'd be nice. I wouldn't like to live too much in a city. Visiting New York, and such and such is SO WICKED AWESOME, but living there would be dreadful. I don't like city's for overly long periods of time. They're kindof disgusting.

75) Interested in art? Yes.

76) Doodle? And if so, what do you doodle mostly? I do doodle a little. I can focus well enough, so I don't doodle very much. But if I did doodle, it's usually something random--whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time.

77) Like nature? Sure. To an extent.

78) If you had to live all alone, in a tent, with only basic camping supplies, in the middle of the wood, for a week, would you make it? *sucks in breath* toughie. I...wouldn't like hunting. Hopefully I would have been smart enough to pack a ton of Power-bars or whichever. But even so...I'd just have to find a way, wouldn't I?

Plus I'm not completely hopeless. I can get my hands dirty. And I can sleep on anything, rocks, dirt, you name it. It's more of the hunting and the food....

79) Are you sure? *thinks about it for a moment* yes.

80) Do you like sunglasses? well, i don't think they're much of a big deal, personally. But, what's not to like? I can never find the perfect sunglasses for myself, and when I do- they break. So, I'm pretty much used to going without.

81) How many pairs of jeans do you own? *counts on fingers* one...two...three...four...five...does jean skirt count?

82) How many shoes? four, not counting flipflops.

83) Like being by yourself? i think it's very healthy to have some alone time.

84) If you had a child, what would you name him/her? Tom...or Terrence...or Tyler...and Lucille or Juliett (July) or Adele.

85) Would you hope they grow up to be just like you? I'd hope they'd grow up to be nice, and kind, and intelligent. But, to be just like me? No. I like people who are different. :]

86) Are you good at keeping track of time? Actually, very! I have this little clockwork in my head. it's pretty funny, and i bet you weren't expectin this ^D^. But, i'm only human, so i do make mistakes.

87) Nerdy talent you have: FILMING. Recording stuff on my videocamera. nerdy. And, computer geek stuff too I guess...but that's nothing extreme.

88) It makes you shudder when you hear the word: uh, well it's not appropriate. it's an ugly word, not a swear, but it's completely horrible. eruugugh. *shudder*

89) Which storybook character would you most be like: Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz), or Peter Pan? Little Red Riding Hood, i guess.

90) Song you listen to when you're alone: whichever. It doesn't matter.

91) If you were a part of a band, what instrument would you play? the triangle ^D^ no, jk, that was joke. Uhm...i can't sing...i can play the guitar slightly less than averagely...never tried drums...they look, i guess that'd mean-- Keyboard. But like i said before, my brain can't get music notes. So i'd probably be testing a lot of peoples nerves.

92) What would you want the name of the band to be? Something that'd mean something.

93) Something you lie in bed and wonder: in many many years, who i'd marry. Or, just random babbled science stuff. Like the meaning of life...who the first people were (i did a post on this, a while back, actually) their really a God...where do you go when you die...just answerless stuff I won't ever know.

94) Life's biggest mystery: People. And how our brain functions. It's just dilusional.

95) Believe in happy endings? Vaugely. Like, I believe that at one point, when given a chance, everything will be Okay. But it's not really....tested? I'm not too confident abou that.

96) It's too bad that: we don't live in a perfect world.

97) Do you like this quiz? Sure :)

98) Which question was the hardest for you to answer? I dont know. "All you'll ever need is:" or maybe the one about where in the world you'd want to move. Idk. I've forgotten almost all of it already.

99) One day...: I'll be dead. And I'd look back on my life and think about something so incredibly deep, that at this point in my life, i wouldn't know what it'd be. And, maybe, I'd be so prepared, that the day I die, I'd have my last words all chosen and stuff.

Just wondering, how do you know you're going to die? Does God whisper in your ear "all right, move along, i've got others waiting"? Or do you feel the little timer in you go "Ding! All done!"



livielove said...

to your last question... that you were wondering when you were wondering how you know when your going to dye... you just see the light

Coco Juniper said...

oh, right :]

Volleyball player said...

um a little awkward about the love thing.... when i first read it i thought it said who else r u going to do it to? yourself? so yeah...haha couf couf awakward laugh...

Sweettropic said...


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