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-----, -----, Germany

Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Monday, March 2, 2009

Knowing, Well, That's a Belief

You universe started in a big bang, right? (theoretically). First there was nothing, then there was something. or, more than something- everything.

And, I was there.

And, you were there.

The particles of...matter that "sprung" into being @ that exact time, would later make up us. You, me, you're funky neighbor, everyone. So, technically, we were there.

Or were we?

The "soul" the unseeable force that drives the body, you mentally, might not have been there. But where were you?

Some religions believe in reincarnation. Where, after you die, you your soul is morphed into another body. And so goes the circle. On, and on.

But even then, that would still aline to what i just said. That we were there. Not just the particles that made us up, matter, but there the mental force. So, if you trace up back the reincarnation line, all of your past lives, it might end up that you were Adam or Eve.

But that would mean that we're all Adam and Eve.

And somehow we split apart.

And we're somehow all part of eachother.

But, the reincarnation theory comes from religeons that do not believe that Adam and Eve were the first people. But those who do believe in A&E, what would they respond when I say-- we were all there.

They follow the heaven vs. hell theory. if you're good, kind people you go up. if you're the opposite, you're pretty south-bound. But that doesn't answer anything-- were we there? Were Adam and Eve, two randomly selected (or not so randomly, it's a moot point) humans, the first souls on earth, and the rest of us were all up somewhere in heaven...or you know, the other one.

But the matter that made up us was there with Adam and Eve. So you're skin, flesh, bones, were all a part of something else.

A plant?

An animal?

But, do animals have souls? According to the Christian/Catholic belief, the answer is no, for they don't go to heaven...or hell. But to others, middle-eastern/asian religeons, the answer is yes. Your soul may have been a part of a plant or animal. In there religeon there is no heaven or hell to go to, if you're a bad person, you become a "lesser" animal. Like a water buffalo for example.

In Native American belief, a wise old man, when he died, was reincarnated as a potatoe.

So, is a potatoe really lesser?

Are humans really dominant?

Do animals/plants live better, fuller lives than us- who's world contains dark aspects such as war and death and hatred?

What do animals see, that we don't?


Were we there?

That depends on who you ask.

Your hand,

look at it.

Your hand was there. The pieces, the matter, the build-up of it. But not the force that moves it. That is looking at it. That is understanding what I said (or not understanding, its' a moot point.)

But was your soul there?

Or did you just "spring" into being like everything such did @ the "big bang."

But did Adam and Eve really spring?

Where did they come from?

Did the particles, matter, just happen to make them?

Or more importantly:



are they here now?

In heaven?

Or were we, you or me, one of the first people. And we are merely reincarnations.

And where did the "big bang" come from? out of nowhere? God clapped his hands? I don't know. Is this all some huge, connected force? And that souls never leave? Will, when some laddie or lassie wraps his head around the universe:

why? why?

the whole matter of it, will change into something completely new and weird?

Questions, Questions...

I hope this isn't too deep for you. Or you're not bored. If you're thinking to yourself "waah, y the philosophy? i want 'random-ness'!" then i encourage you to enjoy the pictures below.

Because life is more than just being.

It's about knowing and seeing.

Because seeing is believing.

And knowing...well, that's a belief.


Coco Juniper said...

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-Rene Magritte

Coco Juniper said...

ahhhggaahhh, i don't even know y i made that post

Coco Juniper said...


and of course nobody's commenting. ehhhh, i guess i should hav seen that coming.

Coco Juniper said...

heheh, yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh

Sweettropic said...

u believe american eagle were the first things on this earth? wow.... pebbles ur awesome

Coco Juniper said...

Adam. And. Eve.

cool new blog!

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