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Just Something Important...

"If ballet were easy it would b called football."

-Olive, Giggling Livie

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Blog (Part Two)

Here it is....How to Blog PART TWO

#5: Open-mindedness

You have to be open to new ideas. New trends, new looks on life, new anything. Blogs change just as much as we do. Change is what keeps blogs interesting (most of the time, anyway.).

'Course this doesn't mean you have to agree with every new style new fashion that comes down the road. No, no, no, no.

Other people, your readers, have different views on stuff. You have to be open-minded to their sensitivities. You have to be able to tell when it's okay to be yourself...just respect them. Have you ever seen a really racist blog become successful? Probably not. I hope not, anyway. So...yeah. Just be open-minded, mmmkay?

#4: Artist Ability

First of all, you need to be able to write. Write well. This is not okay:

Other people your readers has differ ent views on stuff you have to be oopen-minded to the ir sensitititivitivities yoo have to be ab.le to tell. when it's okay o be yourself# just....rrespect them has you never ceen a verry racist blog become succesful ihopenotanywayay probbaly& not just be open min de okay so..yeah.

Ew. Okay, I know in just about every single post I wrote i hav misspelled something or used an abbreviation like "lol" or dropped a comma, or whatever. But, basic writing skills do help. And, as far as artist ability continues to go...the better u r at writing the better off you are.

#3: Consistancy

It irks me a lot when ppl don't update their blogs regularily. Sure, you don't have to toil over it by the hour, but an update would be great. Consistancy is professional, and if you don't update your blog a lot-- it makes it really really hard to come to your blog.
Overall there is no rule on when you should update your blog. If you have this huge website that has games on it, and chatboxes, and videos, and a way to keep it moving even if you're not there, you probably won't have to update it as much as a a blog with nothing at all on the side-bar. But, like i said, there's no rule.
It would be absolutely perfect if you did a post everyday. If you forget to do a post one day, it's okay, because you have a whole ton of stuff to fall back on. Every-other-day is awesome as well. Of course, it's extremely hard to do that. You never know when plans will come up, or when you have a meltdown and can't write a post (writers-block as you may know it as). And it takes up soooooo much time on the computer that only a true hard-core to-the-grave die-hard geek would do it (*cough cough*).
So, a few times a week is good. You're in the clear. Once every two weeks or so, or once a month is very super duper really omigawsh testy. You probably won't go too, too far. But y'a'nevah know. Like i said, the ppl over at...oh, let's say iCarly don't have to update nearly as much as say me, because they have all that other sugary-hiper junk as their life-line. And, me...let's face it. You only come here to read my posts, correct? Maybe talk on the CBox a little, I guess. But, generally, it's the posts you want.
Nobody wants to read a deceased blog.

#2: Interest In What You're Doing

OMG, let me make this REALLY REALLY REALLY CLEAR. If you don't like blogging and you don't want to do it...then DON'T.

#1: Originality

There are billions of websites, and blogs, and channels, and other computer-crud stuff on the internet. What makes yours any better than theirs? What makes yours stand out? What makes yours unique? Hundreds of Thousands of people have probably already wrote a post like this: About How To Blog. So what can you do to make you'rs great?

You ponder on that.


livielove said...


Coco Juniper said...

okay, first of all, did u use a pyzam background?

and second of all, when you put in the HTML code and it didn't work-- was there a little red rectangle above it with code mumblejumble?

livielove said...

1 yes
2 red triangle???? there was red writing but im not sure bout a triangle

Sweettropic said...

u wrote a blog on how 2 blog?

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