This is Important (Tune in Later on for the "How To Blog" Part Two!)
Only the most incredible people can blog. Of course, many others still do. But, you too can have what it takes to be a blogger with- "How To Blog" by Coco C. Juniper. With the complete countdown list of the Top Ten Things a Blogger Must Have To Blog. Starting With #10, we will work our way down to #1 of the most crucial things a Blogger must have to Blog (#1 being the most important, #10 the least.)
#10: Ranting.
Ranting is a skill every blogger must have. The better you rant, the better off you are. Ranting is a way of self-expression and by uniting against a common enemy (or not so common, it's a moot point) the power of a blogger grows! ^D^ Plus, it's fun to read.
Example of a Good Ranter
"I hate George Bush. I cannot think of a single good thing he has done to our country. All I can think about is where we are in our economy, our healthcare shooting up, the mess of global warming he has done very super little about- or nothing about!-,the many lives lost in the war of Iraq, and then I think to myself Oh's all HIS fault. You know what, Bush? If you weren't capable of guiding our country and all of that other presedential stuff you took under oath, then you shouldn't have run for the next term. You're running away from your problems, Bush, no wait! You're running away from ours. And don't tell me he's only human! He's our president, and with that name comes a responsibilty. He took it, twice, and in neither time has he helped our nation. Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your time."
Example of a Bad Ranter
"D'ya know what I hate? Yah, George Bush! I mean, c'mon, who doesn't? He's just like, totally, whoa, and I'm like, you know what, yeah! It's like so not cool. Okay, he's like da sicko to the max. I mean, like look. It's just like sooo not cool. I mean, duh. George bush you suck."
#9: Style
The Personal Style of a Blogger is Crucial. As well as the actual posts, you need to sell your idea fast! People don't always take the time to read a post or two before they do a judgement on you. You need to capture their attention with style. I, personally, blog Pyzam. The bright template captures your attention. I also switch around some quotes at the top of the page, to keep it kindof fresh. And, a lot of just pretty pictures or junk or whatever, ads even!, help too. So be sure to get your look down on the page.
#8: Connected
It really, really, helps if your somehow connected. About, like, 75% of posts are on friends, family, social junk, etc., etc. It's great if, even if you fly solo and don't share blogs, to have someone elses voice, it can be a little snippit here and there, about what they say.'s fun to talk about people. Not in a negitive way, but honestly, there's only so much you can put down about YouTube or Flicker, or Facebook, or AIM, or I don't even really care what your network is. Have a debate *shrugs*.
#7: Interest In Your Readers
It's great to have an interest in your readers. Saying "thanks" doesn't hurt, and interacting a little, like doing contests, or giving honorable mentions to your regulars. In fact, that's how Stephanie Meyer got her big name- by talking to her fans online. If it weren't for that, she'd probably still be a small time author, not really recognized at all. (Maybe, maybe not. Idk.) Anyway, it makes ppl feel like you do care, and could hit you some big numbers in publicity. :)
#6: Variation
Guess, what? Other webloggers dont' want to read 365 posts on how you love iCarly, or how you love American Idol, or how you love Desperate Housewives. Vary it!!! Surprising your readers with something different, keeps them on their toes and interested. And, by surprising, i don't mean being completely random. (But, if you want to be random, so be it. I shouldn't be talking.) If your becoming a bit of a one-note, just trail on a different path. Rant on things that bug you. Babble about your childhood. Tie some loose ends. Give a "HowTo" on something (examples would be: "how to write a blog post", "how to be emo," "how to dress fashionably", "how to knit", "how to be just like me."). If your blog has a certain theme to it (i.e. music, poetry, cake wrecks,) you can still keep to it, just do it in a slightly different way. Use your imaginations, whatever.
I've been looking through movie art posters alot lately. There are some
amazing artist who do these often. But in my opinion there is also a bunch
who a...
12 years ago
Cool post!
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